target_extraction.allen.models package


target_extraction.allen.models.target_tagger module

class target_extraction.allen.models.target_tagger.TargetTagger(vocab, text_field_embedder, pos_tag_embedding=None, pos_tag_loss=None, label_namespace='labels', encoder=None, feedforward=None, label_encoding=None, crf=True, include_start_end_transitions=True, constrain_crf_decoding=None, calculate_span_f1=None, dropout=None, verbose_metrics=False, initializer=<allennlp.nn.initializers.InitializerApplicator object>, regularizer=None)[source]

Bases: allennlp.models.model.Model

The TargetTagger encodes a sequence of text with an optional Seq2SeqEncoder, then uses either Conditional Random Field or simply a softmax model to predict a tag for each token in the sequence.

This is in affect the same as the CrfTagger with the following differences:

  1. It allows you to not have to use a Seq2SeqEncoder

  2. It allows you to not have to use a CRF module but rather use a the simpler softmax over the logits

vocabVocabulary, required

A Vocabulary, required in order to compute sizes for input/output projections.

text_field_embedderTextFieldEmbedder, required

Used to embed the tokens TextField we get as input to the model.

pos_tag_embeddingEmbedding, optional (default=None).

Used to embed the pos_tags SequenceLabelField we get as input to the model.

pos_tag_loss: float, optional (default=None)

Whether to predict POS tags as an auxilary loss. The float here would represent the amount to scale that loss in the overall loss function. The POS tags are predicted using a CRF if the main task uses a CRF else like the main task it will use greedy decoding based on softmax. NOTE we assume always that the label encoding for POS tags are of BIO format.

encoderSeq2SeqEncoder, optional (default=None)

The encoder that we will use in between embedding tokens and predicting output tags.

label_namespacestr, optional (default=``labels``)

This is needed to compute the SpanBasedF1Measure metric. Unless you did something unusual, the default value should be what you want.

feedforwardFeedForward, optional, (default = None).

An optional feedforward layer to apply after the encoder.

label_encodingstr, optional (default=``None``)

Label encoding to use when calculating span f1 and constraining the CRF at decoding time . Valid options are “BIO”, “BIOUL”, “IOB1”, “BMES”. Required if calculate_span_f1 or constrain_crf_decoding is true.

crf: bool, optional (default=``True``)

Whether to use a CRF, if not then it just chooses the max label over the softmax (greedy decoding).

include_start_end_transitionsbool, optional (default=``True``)

Whether to include start and end transition parameters in the CRF.

constrain_crf_decodingbool, optional (default=``None``)

If True, the CRF is constrained at decoding time to produce valid sequences of tags. If this is True, then label_encoding is required. If None and label_encoding is specified, this is set to True. If None and label_encoding is not specified, it defaults to False.

calculate_span_f1bool, optional (default=``None``)

Calculate span-level F1 metrics during training. If this is True, then label_encoding is required. If None and label_encoding is specified, this is set to True. If None and label_encoding is not specified, it defaults to False.

dropout: float, optional (default=``None``). Use `Variational Dropout

<>`_ for sequence and normal dropout for non sequences.

verbose_metricsbool, optional (default = False)

If true, metrics will be returned per label class in addition to the overall statistics.

initializerInitializerApplicator, optional (default=``InitializerApplicator()``)

Used to initialize the model parameters.

regularizerRegularizerApplicator, optional (default=``None``)

If provided, will be used to calculate the regularization penalty during training.

forward(tokens, pos_tags=None, tags=None, metadata=None)[source]
tokensDict[str, torch.LongTensor], required

The output of TextField.as_array(), which should typically be passed directly to a TextFieldEmbedder. This output is a dictionary mapping keys to TokenIndexer tensors. At its most basic, using a SingleIdTokenIndexer this is: {"tokens": Tensor(batch_size, num_tokens)}. This dictionary will have the same keys as were used for the TokenIndexers when you created the TextField representing your sequence. The dictionary is designed to be passed directly to a TextFieldEmbedder, which knows how to combine different word representations into a single vector per token in your input.

pos_tagstorch.LongTensor, optional (default = None)

A torch tensor representing the sequence of POS tags of shape (batch_size, num_tokens)

tagstorch.LongTensor, optional (default = None)

A torch tensor representing the sequence of integer gold class labels of shape (batch_size, num_tokens).

metadataList[Dict[str, Any]], optional, (default = None)

metadata containg the original words in the sentence to be tagged under a ‘words’ key as well as the original text under a ‘text’ key.

An output dictionary consisting of:


The logits that are the output of the tag_projection_layer

class_probabilities: torch.FloatTensor

A tensor of shape (batch_size, num_tokens, tag_vocab_size) representing a distribution of the tag classes per word. NOTE that when using the CRF the highest class probability does not mean that will be the tag as that might not be globally optimal for the sentence.


The text field mask for the input tokens


The predicted tags using the Viterbi algorithm if CRF is being used else they are from the max over the logits using the softmax approach.

losstorch.FloatTensor, optional

A scalar loss to be optimised. Only computed if gold label tags are provided.

wordsList[str], optional

A list of tokens that were the original input into the model

textstr, optional

A string that was the original text that the tokens have come from.

Return type

Dict[str, Tensor]


Returns a dictionary of metrics. This method will be called by in order to compute and use model metrics for early stopping and model serialization. We return an empty dictionary here rather than raising as it is not required to implement metrics for a new model. A boolean reset parameter is passed, as frequently a metric accumulator will have some state which should be reset between epochs. This is also compatible with [Metric`s](../training/metrics/ Metrics should be populated during the call to `forward, with the Metric handling the accumulation of the metric until this method is called.

Return type

Dict[str, float]

get_softmax_labels(class_probabilities, mask)[source]

This method has copied a large chunck of code from the SimpleTagger.decode method.

class_probabilitiesA tensor containing the softmax scores for the


mask: A Tensor of 1’s and 0’s indicating whether a word exists.

A List of Lists where each inner list contains integers representing the most likely tag label index based on the softmax scores. Only returns the tag label indexs for words that exist based on the mask provided.

Return type



Converts the tag ids to the actual tags. output_dict["tags"] is a list of lists of tag_ids, so we use an ugly nested list comprehension.

Return type

Dict[str, Tensor]

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