Source code for target_extraction.data_types

Moudle that contains the two main data types 
`target_extraction.data_types.TargetText` and 
`target_extraction.data_types.TargetTextCollection` where the later is a
container for the former.


1. `target_extraction.data_types.TargetText`
2. `target_extraction.data_types.TargetTextCollection`
from import MutableMapping
from collections import OrderedDict, Counter, defaultdict, deque
import copy
import json
import itertools
import functools
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Iterable, NamedTuple, Any, Callable
from typing import Union, Dict, Set
import traceback
import random

from target_extraction.tokenizers import is_character_preserving, token_index_alignment
from target_extraction.data_types_util import (Span, OverLappingTargetsError,
                                               AnonymisedError, OverwriteError)

[docs]def check_anonymised(func): ''' Assumes the first argument in the given function is a TargetText object defined by self. :raises AnonymisedError: If the TargetText object given to `func` `anonymised` attribute is True. ''' @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper_func(*args, **kwargs): target_text_object = args[0] if target_text_object.anonymised: anonymised_err = (f'Cannot perform this function as the Target ' f'{target_text_object} has been anonymised ' 'and therefore has no `text`') raise AnonymisedError(anonymised_err) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper_func
[docs]class TargetText(MutableMapping): ''' This is a data structure that inherits from MutableMapping which is essentially a python dictionary. The following are the default keys that are in all `TargetText` objects, additional items can be added through __setitem__ 1. text - The text associated to all of the other items 2. text_id -- The unique ID associated to this object 3. targets -- List of all target words that occur in the text. A special placeholder of None (python None value) can exist where the target does not exist but a related Category does this would mean though that the related span is Span(0, 0), this type of special placeholder is in place for the SemEval 2016 Restaurant dataset where they link the categories to the targets but not all categories have related targets thus None. 4. spans -- List of Span NamedTuples where each one specifies the start and end of the respective targets within the text. 5. target_sentiments -- List sepcifying the sentiment of the respective targets within the text. 6. categories -- List of categories that exist in the data which may or may not link to the targets (this is dataset speicific). NOTE: depending on the dataset and how it is parsed the category can exist but the target does not as the category is a latent variable, in these cases the category and category sentiments will be the same size which would be a different size to the target and target sentiments size. E.g. can happen where the dataset has targets and categories but they do not map to each other in a one to one manner e.g SemEval 2014 restuarant dataset, there are some samples that contain categories but no targets. Another word for category can be aspect. 7. category_sentiments -- List of the sentiments associated to the categories. If the categories and targets map to each other then this will be empty and you will only use the target_sentiments. Attributes: 1. anonymised -- If True then the data within the TargetText object has no text but the rest of the metadata should exist. Methods: 1. to_json -- Returns the object as a dictionary and then encoded using json.dumps 2. to_conll -- Returns a CONLL formatted string where the formatt will be the following: `TOKEN#GOLD LABEL#PREDICTION 1# PREDICTION 2`. Where each token and relevant labels are on separate new lines. The first line will always contain the following: `# {text_id: `value`}` where the `text_id` represents the `text_id` of this TargetText, this will allow the CONLL string to be uniquely identified back this TargetText object. 3. from_conll -- Adds the gold labels and/or predicted sequence labels from the CONLL formatted string. 4. tokenize -- This will add a new key `tokenized_text` to this TargetText instance that will store the tokens of the text that is associated to this TargetText instance. 5. pos_text -- This will add a new key `pos_tags` to this TargetText instance. This key will store the pos tags of the text that is associated to this Target Text instance. 6. force_targets -- Does not return anything but modifies the `spans` and `text` values as whitespace is prefixed and suffixed the target unless the prefix or suffix is whitespace. NOTE that this is the only method that currently can change the `spans` and `text` key values after they have been set. 7. sequence_labels -- Adds the `sequence_labels` key to this TargetText instance which can be used to train a machine learning algorthim to detect targets. 8. get_sequence_indexs -- The indexs related to the tokens, pos tags etc for each labelled sequence span. 9. get_sequence_spans -- The span indexs from the sequence labels given assuming that the sequence labels are in BIO format. 10. get_targets_from_sequence_labels -- Retrives the target words given the sequence labels. 11. one_sample_per_span -- This returns a similar TargetText instance where the new instance will only contain one target per span. 12. left_right_target_contexts -- This will return the sentence that is left and right of the target as well as the words in the target for each target in the sentence. 13. replace_target -- Given an index and a new target word it will replace the target at the index with the new target word and return a new TargetText object with everything the same apart from this new target. 14. de_anonymise -- This will set the `anonymised` attribute to False from True and set the `text` key value to the value in the `text` key within the `text_dict` argument. 15. in_order -- True if all the `targets` within this TargetText are in sequential left to right order within the text. 16. re_order -- Re-Orders the TargetText object targets so that they are in a left to right order within the text, this will then re-order all values within this object that are in a list format into this order. Once the TargetText has been re-ordered it will return True when :py:meth`target_extraction.data_types.TargetText.in_order` is called. 17. add_unique_key -- Given a key e.g. `targets` it will create a new value in the TargetText object that is a list of strings which are unique IDs based on the `text_id` and the index the `targets` occur in e.g. if the `targets` contain [`food`, `service`] and the `text_id` is `12a5` then the `target_id` created will contain `[`12a5$$0`,`12a5$$1`]` Static Functions: 1. from_json -- Returns a TargetText object given a json string. For example the json string can be the return of TargetText.to_json. 2. targets_from_spans -- Given a sequence of spans and the associated text it will return the targets that are within the text based on the spans 3. target_text_from_prediction -- Creates a TargetText object from data that has come from predictions of a Target Extract tagger ''' def _check_is_list(self, item: List[Any], item_name: str) -> None: ''' This will check that the argument given is a List and if not will raise a TypeError. :param item: The argument that is going to be checked to ensure it is a list. :param item_name: Name of the item. This is used within the raised error message, if an error is raised. :raises TypeError: If any of the items are not of type List. ''' type_err = f'{item_name} should be a list not {type(item)} {item}' if not isinstance(item, list): raise TypeError(type_err)
[docs] def sanitize(self) -> None: ''' This performs a check on all of the lists that can be given at object construction time to ensure that the following conditions are met: 1. The target, spans and target_sentiments lists are all of the same size if set. 2. The categories and the category_sentiments lists are all of the same size if set. Further more it checks the following: 1. If targets or spans are set then both have to exist. 2. If targets and spans are set that the spans text match the associated target words e.g. if the target is `barry davies` in `today barry davies went` then the spans should be [[6,18]] 3. If anonymised esures that the `text` key does not exist. The 2nd check is not performed if `self.anonymised` is False. :raises ValueError: If any of the above conditions are not True. ''' def length_mis_match(lists_to_check: List[Any], text_id_msg: str) -> None: length_mismatch_msg = 'The following lists do not match '\ f'{lists_to_check}' list_lengths = [len(_list) for _list in lists_to_check if _list is not None] current_list_size = -1 for list_length in list_lengths: if current_list_size == -1: current_list_size = list_length else: if current_list_size != list_length: raise ValueError(text_id_msg + length_mismatch_msg) targets = self._storage['targets'] target_sentiments = self._storage['target_sentiments'] spans = self._storage['spans'] categories = self._storage['categories'] category_sentiments = self._storage['category_sentiments'] text_id = self._storage['text_id'] text_id_msg = f'Text id that this error refers to {text_id}\n' # Checking the length mismatches for the two different lists length_mis_match([targets, target_sentiments, spans], text_id_msg) length_mis_match([categories, category_sentiments], text_id_msg) # Checking that if targets are set than so are spans if targets is not None and spans is None: spans_none_msg = f'If the targets are a list: {targets} then spans'\ f' should also be a list and not None: {spans}' raise ValueError(text_id_msg + spans_none_msg) # Checking that the words Spans reference in the text match the # respective target words. Edge case is the case of None targets which # should have a Span value of (0, 0) if targets is not None: for target, span in zip(targets, spans): if target is None: target_span_msg = 'As the target value is None the span '\ 'it refers to should be of value '\ f'Span(0, 0) and not {span}' if span != Span(0, 0): raise ValueError(text_id_msg + target_span_msg) else: if span == Span(0, 0) and target != '': target_span_msg = (f'The Span is {Span(0, 0)} and the ' f'target is {target} therefore the ' 'span must be in-correct for this' f' target {self}.') raise ValueError(target_span_msg) # Cannot check the text value when the data has been anonymised if self.anonymised: continue text = self._storage['text'] start, end = span.start, span.end text_target = text[start:end] target_span_msg = 'The target the spans reference in the '\ f'text: {text_target} does not match '\ f'the target in the targets list: {target}' if text_target != target: raise ValueError(text_id_msg + target_span_msg) if self.anonymised and 'text' in self._storage: raise ValueError('The TargetText object is anonymised and therefore' f' should not contain a `text` key. {self}')
def __init__(self, text: Union[str, None], text_id: str, targets: Optional[List[str]] = None, spans: Optional[List[Span]] = None, target_sentiments: Optional[List[Union[int, str]]] = None, categories: Optional[List[str]] = None, category_sentiments: Optional[List[Union[int, str]]] = None, anonymised: bool = False, **additional_data): ''' :param additional_data: Any other data that is to be added to the object at construction. ''' # Ensure that the arguments that should be lists are lists. self._list_argument_names = ['targets', 'spans', 'target_sentiments', 'categories', 'category_sentiments'] self._list_arguments = [targets, spans, target_sentiments, categories, category_sentiments] names_arguments = zip(self._list_argument_names, self._list_arguments) for argument_name, list_argument in names_arguments: if list_argument is None: continue self._check_is_list(list_argument, argument_name) # anonymised data will have no text temp_dict = dict(text=text, text_id=text_id, targets=targets, spans=spans, target_sentiments=target_sentiments, categories=categories, category_sentiments=category_sentiments) if anonymised: del temp_dict['text'] self._protected_keys = set(['text_id', 'targets', 'spans']) else: self._protected_keys = set(['text', 'text_id', 'targets', 'spans']) self._storage = temp_dict self._storage = {**self._storage, **additional_data} self._anonymised = anonymised self.sanitize() @property def anonymised(self) -> bool: ''' :returns: True if the data within the TargetText has been anonymised. Anonymised data means that there is no text associated with the TargetText object but all of the metadata is there. ''' return self._anonymised @anonymised.setter def anonymised(self, value: bool) -> None: ''' Sets whether or not `anonymised` attribute is True or False. Either which way when set it performs the `sanitize` check to ensure that the attribute can be set to this value else it is reverted. :param value: If True then the `text` key will be deleted. In all cases the TargetText object is subjected to the :py:meth:`sanitize` to ensure that the anonymised process is correct. :raises AnonymisedError: If the TargetText object cannot be set to the `anonymised` value given. If this Error occurs then the object will have kept the original `anonymised` value. ''' # If want to anonymise all the if not self.anonymised and value: del self._storage['text'] self._anonymised = value try: self.sanitize() except: self._anonymised = not value sanitize_err = traceback.format_exc() raise AnonymisedError('Cannot de-anonymise this TargetText ' f'{self} as it cannot pass the `sanitize`' ' check of which the following is the ' f'error from said check {sanitize_err}') def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: ''' :returns: One of the values from the self._storage dictionary. e.g. if the key is `text` it will return the string representing the text associated to this object. ''' return self._storage[key] def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[str]: ''' Returns an interator over the keys in self._storage which are the following Strings by default additional keys can be added: 1. text 2. text_id 3. targets 4. spans 5. target_sentiments 6. categories 7. category_sentiments :returns: The keys in self._storage ''' return iter(self._storage) def __len__(self) -> int: ''' :returns: The number of items in self._storage. ''' return len(self._storage) def __repr__(self) -> str: ''' :returns: String returned is what user see when the instance is printed or printed within a interpreter. ''' return f'TargetText({self._storage})' def __eq__(self, other: 'TargetText') -> bool: ''' Two TargetText instances are equal if they both have the same `text_id` value. :param other: Another TargetText object that is being compared to this TargetText object. :returns: True if they have the same `text_id` value else False. ''' if not isinstance(other, TargetText): return False elif self['text_id'] != other['text_id']: return False return True def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: ''' Given a key that matches a key within self._storage or self.keys() it will delete that key and value from this object. NOTE: Currently 'text', 'text_id', 'spans', and 'targets' are keys that cannot be deleted. :param key: Key and its respective value to delete from this object. ''' if key in self._protected_keys: raise KeyError('Cannot delete a key that is protected, list of ' f' protected keys: {self._protected_keys}') del self._storage[key] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: ''' Given a key and a respected value it will either change that current keys value to the one gien here or create a new key with that value. NOTE: Currently 'text', 'text_id', 'spans', and 'targets' are keys that cannot be changed. :param key: Key to be added or changed :param value: Value associated to the given key. ''' if key in self._protected_keys: raise KeyError('Cannot change a key that is protected, list of ' f' protected keys: {self._protected_keys}') # If the key value should be a list ensure that the new value is a # list as well. if key in self._list_argument_names: self._check_is_list(value, key) self._storage[key] = value self.sanitize()
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: ''' Required as TargetText is not json serlizable due to the 'spans'. :returns: The object as a dictionary and then encoded using json.dumps ''' return json.dumps(self._storage)
[docs] @check_anonymised def to_conll(self, gold_label_key: str, prediction_key: Optional[str] = None) -> str: ''' :param gold_label: A key that contains a sequence of labels e.g. [`B`, `I`, `O`]. This can come from the return of the :py:meth:`sequence_labels` :param prediction_key: Key to the predicted labels of the `gold_label`. Where the prediction key values is a list of a list of predicted labels. Each list is therefore a different model run hence creating the `PREDICTION 1`, 'PREDICTION 2' etc. Thus the values of `prediction_key` must be of shape (number runs, number tokens) :returns: A CONLL formatted string where the format will be the following: `TOKEN#GOLD LABEL#PREDICTION 1# PREDICTION 2` Where each token and relevant labels are on separate new lines. The first line will always contain the following: `# {text_id: `value`}` where the text_id represents the `text_id` of this TargetText, this will allow the CONLL string to be uniquely identified back this TargetText object. :raises AnonymisedError: If the object has been anonymised then this method cannot be used. :raises KeyError: If the the object has not be tokenized using :py:meth:`tokenize` :raises KeyError: If the `prediction_key` or `gold_label_key` do not exist. :raises ValueError: If the `gold_label_key` or `prediction_key` values are not of the same length as the tokens, as the labels will not be able to match tokens etc. :raises ValueError: If the values in `prediction_key` are not of shape (number runs, number tokens) ''' keys_to_check = ['tokenized_text', gold_label_key] if prediction_key is not None: keys_to_check.append(prediction_key) for key in keys_to_check: self._key_error(key) number_tokens = len(self['tokenized_text']) # ensure number of labels same as number of tokens value_err = (f'Number of tokens {number_tokens} does not match the ' f'number of labels ') number_gold_labels = len(self[gold_label_key]) if number_tokens != number_gold_labels: gold_err = (f'{number_gold_labels} for gold label ' f'{gold_label_key} in {self}') gold_err = f'{value_err} {gold_err}' raise ValueError(gold_err) if prediction_key is not None: for prediction_labels in self[prediction_key]: if not isinstance(prediction_labels, list): pred_list_shape_error = ('The predictions should be a list ' 'of a list of labels of shape ' '(number runs, number tokens) not ' f'{self[prediction_key]}') raise ValueError(pred_list_shape_error) number_labels = len(prediction_labels) pred_err = (f'{number_labels} for prediction ' f'label {prediction_key} in {self}') pred_err = f'{value_err} {pred_err}' if number_tokens != number_labels: raise ValueError(pred_err) # End of checks now creating the CONLL string text_id_str = json.dumps({'text_id': self['text_id']}) gold_labels = self[gold_label_key] conll_string = f'# {text_id_str}' for token_index, token in enumerate(self['tokenized_text']): gold_label = gold_labels[token_index] token_string = f'{token} {gold_label} ' if prediction_key is not None: for prediction_labels in self[prediction_key]: prediction_label = prediction_labels[token_index] token_string += f'{prediction_label} ' token_string = token_string.strip(' ') token_string = f'\n{token_string}' conll_string += token_string return conll_string
[docs] @check_anonymised def from_conll(self, conll_str: str, tokens_key: str = 'tokenized_text', gold_label_key: Optional[str] = None, prediction_key: Optional[str] = None) -> None: ''' :param conll_str: CONLL formatted string formatted like so: `TOKEN#GOLD LABEL#PREDICTION 1# PREDICTION 2` :param tokens_key: Key to save the CONLL tokens too. :param gold_label_key: Key to save the gold labels too. Either `gold_label_key` or `prediction_key` must not be `None` or both not `None` :param prediction_key: Key to save the prediction labels too. The value will be of shape (number runs, number tokens) :raises AnonymisedError: If the object has been anonymised then this method cannot be used. :raises ValueError: If both `gold_label_key` and `prediction_key` are `None`. :raises ValueError: If the number of labels are not consistent in the CONLL string e.g. the first token has 3 predicted labels and the second token has 2 predicted labels. :raises ValueError: If the text within this TargetText does not match the tokens in the CONLL string. (CASE SENSITIVE) ''' if prediction_key is None and gold_label_key is None: raise ValueError('Either `prediction_key` or `gold_label_key` or ' 'both need to be a String not None') # Predicted labels is of shape (number runs, number tokens) predicted_labels: List[List[str]] = [] gold_labels = [] tokens = [] conll_token_labels = conll_str.split('\n') conll_string_length = 0 for index, conll_token_label in enumerate(conll_token_labels): token_labels = conll_token_label.split(' ') number_token_labels = len(token_labels) # Ensure legnth of CONLL same each time if index == 0: conll_string_length = number_token_labels else: if conll_string_length != number_token_labels: raise ValueError('Number of labels are not consistent. ' f'Index {index}. CONLL String: ' f'{conll_token_labels}\n Self {self}') if number_token_labels < 2: raise ValueError('CONLL String does not contain any labels ' f'{conll_token_labels}') tokens.append(token_labels[0]) gold_labels.append(token_labels[1]) if number_token_labels < 3: continue predicted_values = token_labels[2:] for pred_index, predicted_tokens in enumerate(predicted_values): if index == 0: predicted_labels.append([]) predicted_labels[pred_index].append(predicted_tokens) # Ensure that the tokens match the text text = self['text'] if not is_character_preserving(text, tokens): raise ValueError(f'The tokens {tokens} do not match the text {text}' f' for {self}') self[tokens_key] = tokens if gold_label_key is not None: self[gold_label_key] = gold_labels if prediction_key is not None: self[prediction_key] = predicted_labels
def _shift_spans(self, target_span: Span, prefix: bool, suffix: bool) -> None: ''' This only affects the current state of the TargetText attributes. The attributes this affects is the `spans` attribute. NOTE: This is only used within self.force_targets method. :param prefix: Whether it affects the prefix of the target_span :param suffix: Whether it affects the suffix of the target_span :param spans: The current target span indexs that are having extra whitespace added either prefix or suffix. ''' target_span_start = target_span.start target_span_end = target_span.end for span_index, other_target_span in enumerate(self['spans']): if other_target_span == target_span: continue start, end = self['spans'][span_index] if prefix: if other_target_span.start >= target_span_start: start += 1 if other_target_span.end >= target_span_start: end += 1 if suffix: if other_target_span.start >= target_span_end: start += 1 if other_target_span.end >= target_span_end: end += 1 self._storage['spans'][span_index] = Span(start, end)
[docs] @check_anonymised def force_targets(self) -> None: ''' :NOTE: As this affects the following attributes `spans`, `text`, and `targets` it therefore has to modify these through self._storage as both of these attributes are within self._protected_keys. Does not return anything but modifies the `spans` and `text` values as whitespace is prefixed and suffixed the target unless the prefix or suffix is whitespace. Motivation: Ensure that the target tokens are not within another separate String e.g. target = `priced` but the sentence is `the laptop;priced is high` and the tokenizer is on whitespace it will not have `priced` seperated therefore the BIO tagging is not deterministic thus force will add whitespace around the target word e.g. `the laptop; priced`. This was mainly added for the TargetText.sequence_tags method. :raises AnonymisedError: If the object has been anonymised then this method cannot be used. ''' for span_index in range(len(self['spans'])): text = self._storage['text'] last_token_index = len(text) span = self._storage['spans'][span_index] prefix = False suffix = False start, end = span if start != 0: if text[start - 1] != ' ': prefix = True if end < last_token_index: if text[end] != ' ': suffix = True text_before = text[:start] text_after = text[end:] target = text[start:end] if prefix and suffix: self._storage['text'] = f'{text_before} {target} {text_after}' self._shift_spans(span, prefix=True, suffix=True) self._storage['spans'][span_index] = Span(start + 1, end + 1) elif prefix: self._storage['text'] = f'{text_before} {target}{text_after}' self._shift_spans(span, prefix=True, suffix=False) self._storage['spans'][span_index] = Span(start + 1, end + 1) elif suffix: self._storage['text'] = f'{text_before}{target} {text_after}' self._shift_spans(span, prefix=False, suffix=True) # Get the targets from the re-aligned spans updated_targets = [] text = self._storage['text'] for span in self._storage['spans']: target = text[span.start: span.end] updated_targets.append(target) self._storage['targets'] = updated_targets
[docs] @check_anonymised def tokenize(self, tokenizer: Callable[[str], List[str]], perform_type_checks: bool = False) -> None: ''' This will add a new key `tokenized_text` to this TargetText instance that will store the tokens of the text that is associated to this TargetText instance. For a set of tokenizers that are definitely comptable see target_extraction.tokenizers module. Ensures that the tokenization is character preserving. :param tokenizer: The tokenizer to use tokenize the text for each TargetText instance in the current collection :param perform_type_checks: Whether or not to perform type checks to ensure the tokenizer returns a List of Strings :raises AnonymisedError: If the object has been anonymised then this method cannot be used. :raises TypeError: If the tokenizer given does not return a List of Strings. :raises ValueError: This is raised if the TargetText instance contains empty text. :raises ValueError: If the tokenization is not character preserving. ''' text = self['text'] tokenized_text = tokenizer(text) if perform_type_checks: if not isinstance(tokenized_text, list): raise TypeError('The return type of the tokenizer function ', f'{tokenizer} should be a list and not ' f'{type(tokenized_text)}') for token in tokenized_text: if not isinstance(token, str): raise TypeError('The return type of the tokenizer function ', f'{tokenizer} should be a list of Strings' f' and not a list of {type(token)}') if len(tokenized_text) == 0: raise ValueError('There are no tokens for this TargetText ' f'instance {self}') if not is_character_preserving(text, tokenized_text): raise ValueError('The tokenization method used is not character' f' preserving. Original text `{text}`\n' f'Tokenized text `{tokenized_text}`') self['tokenized_text'] = tokenized_text
[docs] @check_anonymised def pos_text(self, tagger: Callable[[str], Tuple[List[str], List[str]]], perform_type_checks: bool = False) -> None: ''' This will add a new key `pos_tags` to this TargetText instance. This key will store the pos tags of the text that is associated to this Target Text instance. NOTE: It will also replace the current tokens in the `tokenized_text` key with the tokens produced from the pos tagger. For a set of pos taggers that are definetly comptable see target_extraction.pos_taggers module. The pos tagger will have to produce both a list of tokens and pos tags. :param tagger: POS tagger. :param perform_type_checks: Whether or not to perform type checks to ensure the POS tagger returns a tuple containing two lists both containing Strings. :raises AnonymisedError: If the object has been anonymised then this method cannot be used. :raises TypeError: If the POS tagger given does not return a Tuple :raises TypeError: If the POS tagger given does not return a List of Strings for both the tokens and the pos tags. :raises TypeError: If the POS tagger tokens or pos tags are not lists :raises ValueError: If the POS tagger return is not a tuple of length 2 :raises ValueError: This is raised if the Target Text text is empty :raises ValueError: If the number of pos tags for this instance does not have the same number of tokens that has been generated by the tokenizer function. ''' text = self['text'] tokens_pos_tags = tagger(text) if perform_type_checks: if not isinstance(tokens_pos_tags, tuple): raise TypeError('The return type for the pos tagger should be' f' a tuple not {type(tokens_pos_tags)}') if len(tokens_pos_tags) != 2: raise ValueError('The return of the POS tagger should be a ' f'tuple of length 2 not {len(tokens_pos_tags)}') if not isinstance(tokens_pos_tags[0], list): raise TypeError('The return type of the tagger function ', f'{tagger} should be a list and not ' f'{type(tokens_pos_tags[0])} for the tokens') if not isinstance(tokens_pos_tags[1], list): raise TypeError('The return type of the tagger function ', f'{tagger} should be a list and not ' f'{type(tokens_pos_tags[1])} for the POS tags') for name, tags in [('tokens', tokens_pos_tags[0]), ('pos_tags', tokens_pos_tags[1])]: for tag in tags: if not isinstance(tag, str): raise TypeError('The return type of the tagger function ', f'{tagger} should be a list of Strings' f' and not a list of {type(tag)} for ' f'the {name}') tokens, pos_tags = tokens_pos_tags num_pos_tags = len(pos_tags) if len(pos_tags) == 0: raise ValueError('There are no tags for this TargetText ' f'instance {self}') num_tokens = len(tokens) if num_tokens != num_pos_tags: raise ValueError(f'Number of POS tags {pos_tags} should be the ' f'same as the number of tokens {tokens}') self['pos_tags'] = pos_tags self['tokenized_text'] = tokens
[docs] @check_anonymised def sequence_labels(self, per_target: bool = False, label_key: Optional[str] = None) -> None: ''' Adds the `sequence_labels` key to this TargetText instance which can be used to train a machine learning algorthim to detect targets. The value associated to the `sequence_labels` key will be a list of `B`, `I`, or `O` labels, where each label is associated to a token. The `force_targets` method might come in useful here for training and validation data to ensure that more of the targets are not affected by tokenization error as only tokens that are fully within the target span are labelled with `B` or `I` tags. Another use for the `force_targets` is so to ensure that targets are not affected by tokenisation and therefore can be used to state where the targets are in the sequence for sentiment classification e.g. in the case of getting contextualised target tokens or to create [TD-BERT Gao et al. 2019]( Currently the only sequence labels supported is IOB-2 labels for the targets only. Future plans look into different sequence label order e.g. IOB see link below for more details of the difference between the two sequence, of which there are more sequence again. :param per_target: Whether the the value of associated to the `sequence_labels` key should be one list for all of the targets False. Or if True should be a list of a labels per target where the labels will only be associated to the represented target. :param label_key: Optional label key. Where the key represents a list of values that are associated with each token. These list of values are then the class labels to attach to each `B`, `I`, `O` tag. E.g. the label key could be `target_sentiments` therefore creating the sequence labelling task of target extraction and predicting sentiment. For example if the label key is `target_sentiments` it would make the `B`, `I`, `O` task extraction and sentiment prediction. :raises AnonymisedError: If the object has been anonymised then this method cannot be used. :raises KeyError: If the current TargetText has not been tokenized. Or if `label_key` is not None then `label_key` must be a key in self else KeyError. :raises ValueError: If `label_key` not None. Raises if number of labels does not match the number of targets that the labels should be associated too. :raises ValueError: If two targets overlap the same token(s) e.g `Laptop cover was great` if `Laptop` and `Laptop cover` are two separate targets this should raise a ValueError as a token should only be associated to one target. ''' text = self['text'] if 'tokenized_text' not in self: raise KeyError(f'Expect the current TargetText {self} to have ' 'been tokenized using the self.tokenize method.') self.sanitize() tokens = self['tokenized_text'] sequence_labels = ['O' for _ in range(len(tokens))] if per_target: sequence_labels = [sequence_labels] # This is the case where there are no targets thus all sequence labels # are `O` if self['spans'] is None or self['targets'] is None: self['sequence_labels'] = sequence_labels return if per_target: sequence_labels = [] for _ in self['targets']: sequence_labels.append(['O' for _ in range(len(tokens))]) # Setting up the labels that might be part of the sequence labels target_spans: List[Span] = self['spans'] labels = None if label_key is not None: self._key_error(label_key) labels = self[label_key] number_targets = len(target_spans) number_labels = len(labels) if number_labels != number_targets: raise ValueError(f'The number of labels {number_labels} does ' f'not match the number of targets {number_targets}.' f' Labels {labels}, target spans {target_spans}.' f' For {self}') tokens_index = token_index_alignment(text, tokens) for target_index, target_span in enumerate(target_spans): target_span_range = list(range(*target_span)) same_target = False current_sequence_labels = sequence_labels if per_target: current_sequence_labels = sequence_labels[target_index] for sequence_index, token_index in enumerate(tokens_index): token_start, token_end = token_index token_end = token_end - 1 if (token_start in target_span_range and token_end in target_span_range): if current_sequence_labels[sequence_index] != 'O': err_msg = ('Cannot have two sequence labels for one ' f'token, text {text}\ntokens {tokens}\n' f'token indexs {tokens_index}\nTarget ' f'spans {target_spans}') raise ValueError(err_msg) if same_target: current_sequence_labels[sequence_index] = 'I' if label_key is not None: label = labels[target_index] current_sequence_labels[sequence_index] = f'I-{label}' else: current_sequence_labels[sequence_index] = 'B' if label_key is not None: label = labels[target_index] current_sequence_labels[sequence_index] = f'B-{label}' same_target = True self['sequence_labels'] = sequence_labels
def _key_error(self, key: str) -> None: ''' :param key: The key to check for within this TargetText instance. :raises KeyError: If the key given does not exist within this TargetText instance. ''' if f'{key}' not in self: raise KeyError(f'Requires that this TargetText contains {key} for ' f'instance {self}')
[docs] @check_anonymised def get_sequence_indexs(self, sequence_key: str) -> List[List[int]]: ''' The following sequence label tags are supported: IOB-2. These are the tags that are currently generated by `sequence_labels`. :param sequence_key: Key to sequence labels such as a BIO sequence labels. Example key name would be `sequence_labels` after `sequence_labels` function has been called or more appropiately `predicted_sequence_labels` when you have predicted sequence labels. :returns: A list of a list of intergers where each list of integers represent the token/pos tag/sequence label index of each sequence label span. :Example: These sequence labels [`O`, `B`, `I`, `O`, `B`] would return the following integers list [[1, 2], [4]] :raises AnonymisedError: If the object has been anonymised then this method cannot be used. :raises ValueError: If the sequence labels that are contained in the sequence key value contain values other than `B`, `I`, or `O`. :raises ValueError: If then number of tokens in the current TargetText object is not the same as the number of sequence labels. ''' # number of tokens and sequence labels, should # all be the same, it is if the `sequence_labels` function is used tokens = self['tokenized_text'] sequence_labels = self[sequence_key] if len(tokens) != len(sequence_labels): raise ValueError(f'The number of tokens in the TargetText object {self}' f' is not the same as the number of sequence labels') same_target = False start_index = 0 end_index = 0 sequence_indexs: List[List[int]] = [] for label_index, sequence_label in enumerate(sequence_labels): if sequence_label == 'B': if same_target == True: sequence_index = list(range(start_index, end_index)) sequence_indexs.append(sequence_index) same_target = False start_index = 0 end_index = 0 same_target = True start_index = label_index end_index = label_index + 1 elif sequence_label == 'I': end_index = label_index + 1 elif sequence_label == 'O': if same_target: sequence_index = list(range(start_index, end_index)) sequence_indexs.append(sequence_index) same_target = False start_index = 0 end_index = 0 else: raise ValueError('Sequence labels should be `B` `I` or `O` ' f'and not {sequence_label}. Sequence label ' f'key used {sequence_key}\nTargetText {self}') if end_index != 0: sequence_index = list(range(start_index, end_index)) sequence_indexs.append(sequence_index) return sequence_indexs
[docs] @check_anonymised def get_sequence_spans(self, sequence_key: str, confidence: Optional[float] = None) -> List[Span]: ''' The following sequence label tags are supported: IOB-2. These are the tags that are currently generated by `sequence_labels` :param sequence_key: Key to sequence labels such as a BIO sequence labels. Example key name would be `sequence_labels` after `sequence_labels` function has been called or more appropiately `predicted_sequence_labels` when you have predicted sequence labels. :param confidence: Optional argument that will return only spans that have been predicted with a confidence higher than this. :NOTE: As it is BIO labelling in the case where all but one of the B and I's is greater than the threshold that span would not be returned, as one of the words in the multi word target word is less than the threshold. :returns: The span indexs from the sequence labels given assuming that the sequence labels are in BIO format. :raises AnonymisedError: If the object has been anonymised then this method cannot be used. :raises KeyError: If no `confidence` key are found. However `confidence` is only required if the confidence argument is set. :raises ValueError: If the sequence labels that are contained in the sequence key value contain values other than `B`, `I`, or `O`. :raises ValueError: If the confidence value is not between 0 and 1 ''' # number of tokens, sequence labels, and token text indexs should # all be the same, it is if the `sequence_labels` function is used if confidence is not None: self._key_error('confidence') if confidence > 1.0 or confidence < 0.0: raise ValueError('Confidence value has to be bounded between ' f'1 and 0 and not {confidence}') sequence_indexs: List[List[int]] = self.get_sequence_indexs(sequence_key) if not sequence_indexs: return [] tokens = self['tokenized_text'] token_text_indexs = token_index_alignment(self['text'], tokens) sequence_spans: List[Span] = [] confidences = None if confidence is not None: confidences = self['confidence'] for span_sequence_index in sequence_indexs: # Test that each sequence label was predicted with enough confidence if confidence is not None: next_span = False for index in span_sequence_index: if confidences[index] <= confidence: next_span = True if next_span: continue start_index = span_sequence_index[0] start_span = token_text_indexs[start_index][0] end_index = span_sequence_index[-1] end_span = token_text_indexs[end_index][1] sequence_spans.append(Span(start_span, end_span)) return sequence_spans
[docs] @check_anonymised def get_targets_from_sequence_labels(self, sequence_key: str, confidence: Optional[float] = None ) -> List[str]: ''' This function mains use is when the sequence labels have been predicted on a piece of text that has no gold annotations. :param sequence_key: Key to sequence labels such as a BIO sequence labels. Example key name would be `sequence_labels` after `sequence_labels` function has been called or more appropiately `predicted_sequence_labels` when you have predicted sequence labels. :param confidence: Optional argument that will return only target texts that have been predicted with a confidence higher than this. :NOTE: As it is BIO labelling in the case where all but one of the B and I's is greater than the threshold that target word would not be returned as one of the words in the multi word target word is less than the threshold. :returns: The target text's that the sequence labels have predcited. :raises AnonymisedError: If the object has been anonymised then this method cannot be used. :raises KeyError: If no `tokenized_text` or `confidence` key are found. However `confidence` is only required if the confidence argument is set. :raises ValueError: If the confidence value is not between 0 and 1 ''' if confidence is not None: self._key_error('confidence') if confidence > 1.0 or confidence < 0.0: raise ValueError('Confidence value has to be bounded between ' f'1 and 0 and not {confidence}') self._key_error('tokenized_text') sequence_indexs: List[List[int]] = self.get_sequence_indexs(sequence_key) # No targets to extract if not sequence_indexs: return [] tokens = self['tokenized_text'] confidences = None if confidence is not None: confidences = self['confidence'] targets = [] for span_sequence_index in sequence_indexs: start_index = span_sequence_index[0] end_index = span_sequence_index[-1] + 1 target_tokens = tokens[start_index: end_index] # Test that each token in target tokens was predicted with a # great enough confidence if confidence is not None: next_span = False for index in span_sequence_index: if confidences[index] <= confidence: next_span = True if next_span: continue target = ' '.join(target_tokens) targets.append(target) return targets
[docs] @check_anonymised def one_sample_per_span(self, remove_empty: bool = False) -> 'TargetText': ''' This returns a similar TargetText instance where the new instance will only contain one target per span. This is for the cases where you can have a target e.g. `food` that has a different related category attached to it e.g. TargetText(text=`$8 and there is much nicer, food, all of it great and continually refilled.`, text_id=`1`, targets=[`food`, `food`, `food`], categories=[`style`, `quality`, `price`], target_sentiments=[`pos`,`pos`,`pos`], spans=[Span(27, 31),Span(27, 31),Span(27, 31)]) As we can see the targets and the categories are linked, this is only really the case in SemEval 2016 datasets from what I know currently. In the example case above it will transform it to the following: TargetText(text=`$8 and there is much nicer, food, all of it great and continually refilled.`, text_id=`1`, targets=[`food`],spans=[Span(27,31)]) This type of pre-processing is perfect for the Target Extraction task. :param remove_empty: If the TargetText instance contains any None targets then these will be removed along with their respective Spans. :returns: This returns a similar TargetText instance where the new instance will only contain one target per span. :raises AnonymisedError: If the object has been anonymised then this method cannot be used. ''' text = self['text'] text_id = self['text_id'] targets: List[str] = [] spans: List[Span] = [] if self['spans'] is None: return TargetText(text=text, text_id=text_id) current_spans = self['spans'] unique_spans = set(current_spans) spans = sorted(unique_spans, key=lambda x: x[0]) temp_spans: List[Span] = [] for span in spans: targets_text = text[span.start: span.end] if span.start == 0 and span.end == 0 and remove_empty: continue else: temp_spans.append(span) targets.append(targets_text) spans = temp_spans return TargetText(text=text, text_id=text_id, targets=targets, spans=spans)
[docs] @check_anonymised def left_right_target_contexts(self, incl_target: bool ) -> List[Tuple[List[str], List[str], List[str]]]: ''' :param incl_target: Whether or not the left and right sentences should also include the target word. :returns: The sentence that is left and right of the target as well as the words in the target for each target in the sentence. :raises AnonymisedError: If the object has been anonymised then this method cannot be used. ''' left_right_target_list = [] text = self['text'] if self['spans'] is not None: for span in self['spans']: span: Span span_start = span.start span_end = span.end if incl_target: left_context = text[:span_end] right_context = text[span_start:] else: left_context = text[:span_start] right_context = text[span_end:] target_context = text[span_start:span_end] contexts = (left_context, right_context, target_context) left_right_target_list.append(contexts) return left_right_target_list
[docs] @check_anonymised def replace_target(self, target_index: int, replacement_target_word: str ) -> 'TargetText': ''' :params target_index: The target index of the target word to replace :param replacement_target_word: The target word to replace the target word at the given index :returns: Given the target index and replacement target word it will replace the target at the index with the new target word and return a new TargetText object with everything the same apart from this new target. :raises ValueError: If the target_index is less than 0 or an index number that does not exist. :raises OverLappingTargetsError: If the target to replace is contained within another target e.g. `what a great day` if this has two targets `great` and `great day` then it will raise this error if you replace either word as each is within the other. :raises AnonymisedError: If the object has been anonymised then this method cannot be used. :Example: Given the following TargetText Object ''' self_dict = copy.deepcopy(dict(self)) number_targets = len(self_dict['targets']) if target_index < 0 or target_index >= number_targets: raise ValueError('Not a valid target_index number. Number of targets' f'in the current object {number_targets}') # Change the target word targets = self_dict['targets'] target_to_be_replaced = targets[target_index] targets[target_index] = replacement_target_word # Change the target spans spans = self_dict['spans'] span_to_change = spans[target_index] spans_to_change: List[int] = [] for span_index, span in enumerate(spans): if span_index == target_index: continue span: Span # Check that there are no overlapping targets raise_in_target_error = False if span.start >= span_to_change.start and span.start < span_to_change.end: raise_in_target_error = True elif span.end > span_to_change.start and span.end <= span_to_change.end: raise_in_target_error = True if raise_in_target_error: raise OverLappingTargetsError('There are targets that share ' f'the same context {self}') if span.start >= span_to_change.end: spans_to_change.append(span_index) difference_in_length = len(replacement_target_word) - len(target_to_be_replaced) # Change all of the spans for span_index in spans_to_change: span = spans[span_index] new_start = span.start + difference_in_length new_end = span.end + difference_in_length spans[span_index] = Span(new_start, new_end) # Change the target that is being replaced span by only the end new_end = span_to_change.end + difference_in_length spans[target_index] = Span(span_to_change.start, new_end) # Change the text text = self_dict['text'] span_to_change_start = span_to_change.start span_to_change_end = span_to_change.end start_text = text[:span_to_change_start] end_text = text[span_to_change_end:] text = f'{start_text}{replacement_target_word}{end_text}' self_dict['targets'] = targets self_dict['spans'] = spans self_dict['text'] = text return TargetText(**self_dict)
[docs] def de_anonymise(self, text_dict: Dict[str, str]) -> None: ''' This will set the `anonymised` attribute to False from True and set the `text` key value to the value in the `text` key within the `text_dict` argument. :param text_dict: A dictionary that contain the following two keys: 1. `text` and 2. `text_id` where the `text_id` has to match the current TargetText object `text_id` and the `text` value will become the new value in the `text` key for this TargetText object. :raises ValueError: If the TargetText object `text_id` does not match the `text_id` within `text_dict` argument. :raises AnonymisedError: If the `text` given does not pass the :py:meth:`sanitize` test. ''' current_text_id = self['text_id'] other_text_id = text_dict['text_id'] if current_text_id != other_text_id: raise ValueError(f"The current `text_id` {current_text_id} " "does not match that of the argument's `text_id`" f" {other_text_id}. For TargetText {self}") text = text_dict['text'] self._storage['text'] = text try: self.anonymised = False except AnonymisedError: del self._storage['text'] sanitize_err = traceback.format_exc() raise AnonymisedError('Cannot de-anonymise this TargetText ' f'{self} as it cannot pass the `sanitize`' ' check of which the following is the ' f'error from said check {sanitize_err}')
[docs] def in_order(self) -> bool: ''' :returns: True if all the `targets` within this TargetText are in sequential left to right order within the text. ''' spans = self['spans'] ordered_spans = sorted(spans) if ordered_spans != spans: return False return True
[docs] def re_order(self, keys_not_to_order: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: ''' Re-orders the TargetText object so that the targets are in a left to right order within the text, this will then re-order all values within this object that are in a list format into this order. Once the TargetText has been re-ordered it will return True when :py:meth`target_extraction.data_types.TargetText.in_order` is called. :param keys_not_to_order: Any key values not to re-order using this function e.g. `pos_tags`, `tokenized_text`, etc :raises AssertionError: If running :py:meth`target_extraction.data_types.TargetText.in_order` after being re-ordered does not return True. ''' def sorting_by_index(index_order: List[int], value_to_sort: List[Any]) -> List[Any]: sorted_value = [] for index in index_order: sorted_value.append(value_to_sort[index]) return sorted_value if keys_not_to_order is None: keys_not_to_order = [] spans: List[Span] = self['spans'] index_order = sorted(range(len(spans)), key=lambda k: spans[k], reverse=False) new_key_values = {} for key, value in self._storage.items(): try: if isinstance(value, list) and key not in keys_not_to_order: # Edge case where the list can be just an empty list if not value: continue # Need to check if the first instance of the value is a # list and if so then that needs to be sorted and not the # outer list sorted_value = [] if isinstance(value[0], list): for inner_value in value: sorted_inner_value = sorting_by_index(index_order, inner_value) sorted_value.append(sorted_inner_value) else: sorted_value = sorting_by_index(index_order, value) assert sorted_value new_key_values[key] = sorted_value except: real_err = traceback.format_exc() err_msg = (f'The following error {real_err} has occured on the ' f'following key {key} and value {value} for this ' f'TargetText {self}') raise Exception(err_msg) # Covers the rollback problem for key, value in new_key_values.items(): self._storage[key] = value self.sanitize() assert self.in_order(), print(f'After re-ordering the object is ' f'still not in order:{self}')
[docs] def add_unique_key(self, id_key: str, id_key_name: str, id_delimiter: str = '::') -> None: ''' :param id_key: The name of the key within this TargetText that requires unique ids that will be stored in `id_key_name`. :param id_key_name: The name of the key to associate to these new unique ids. :param id_delimiter: The delimiter to seperate the `text_id` and the index of the `id_key` that is being represented by this unique id. :raises KeyError: If the `id_key_name` already exists within the TargetText. :raises TypeError: If the value of `id_key` is not of type List. :Example: self.add_unique_key(`targets`, `targets_id`) where `targets`=[`food`, `service`] and `text_id`=`12a5` the following key will be added to self `targets_id` with the following value = `[`12a5::0`, `12a5::1`]` ''' self._key_error(id_key) text_id = self['text_id'] if id_key_name in self: raise KeyError(f'The new id_key_name {id_key_name} ' f'already exists within {self}') if not isinstance(self[id_key], list): raise TypeError(f'The value of `id_key` {self[id_key]} in {self} ' f'has to be of type List and not {type(self[id_key])}') new_ids = [] for index in range(len(self[id_key])): new_ids.append(f'{text_id}{id_delimiter}{index}') self[id_key_name] = new_ids
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(json_text: str, anonymised: bool = False) -> 'TargetText': ''' This is required as the 'spans' are Span objects which are not json serlizable and are required for TargetText therefore this handles that special case. This function is also required as we have had to avoid using the __set__ function and add objects via the _storage dictionary underneath so that we could add values to this object that are not within the constructor like `tokenized_text`. To ensure that it is compatable with the TargetText concept we call `TargetText.sanitize` method at the end. :param json_text: JSON representation of TargetText (can be from TargetText.to_json) :param anonymised: Whether or not the TargetText object being loaded is an anonymised version. :returns: A TargetText object :raises KeyError: If within the JSON representation there is no `text_id` key. Or if anonymised is False raises a KeyError if there is no `text` key in the JSON representation. ''' json_target_text = json.loads(json_text) text = None if not 'text_id' in json_target_text: raise KeyError('The JSON text given does not contain a ' f'`text_id` field: {json_target_text}') if not anonymised: if not 'text' in json_target_text: raise KeyError('The JSON text given does not contain a `text`' f'field: {json_target_text}') text = json_target_text['text'] target_text = TargetText(text=text, anonymised=anonymised, text_id=json_target_text['text_id']) for key, value in json_target_text.items(): if key == 'text' or key == 'text_id': continue if key == 'spans': if value == None: target_text._storage[key] = None else: all_spans = [] for span in value: all_spans.append(Span(*span)) target_text._storage[key] = all_spans else: target_text._storage[key] = value target_text.sanitize() return target_text
[docs] @staticmethod def targets_from_spans(text:str, spans: List[Span]) -> List[str]: ''' :param text: The text that the spans are associated too. :param spans: A list of Span values that represent the character index of the target words to be returned. :returns: The target words that are associated to the spans and text given. ''' targets = [] if not spans: return targets for span in spans: target = text[span.start: span.end] targets.append(target) return targets
[docs] @staticmethod def target_text_from_prediction(text: str, text_id: str, sequence_labels: List[str], tokenized_text: List[str], confidence: Optional[float] = None, confidences: Optional[List[float]] = None, **additional_data) -> 'TargetText': ''' Creates a TargetText object from data that has come from predictions of a Target Extract tagger e.g. the dictionaries that are returned from :meth:`target_extraction.allen.allennlp_model.predict_sequences` :param text: Text to give to the TargetText object :param text_id: Text ID to give to the TargetText object :param sequence_labels: The predicted sequence labels :param tokenized_text: The tokens that were used to produce the predicted sequence labels (should be returned by the Target Extract tagger predictor). :param confidence: The level of confidence from the tagger that is required for a target to be a target e.g. 0.9 :param confidences: The list of confidence values produced by the Target Extract tagger predictor to be used with the confidence argument. The list of confidence values should be the same size as the sequence labels list and tokenized text. :param additional_data: Any other keyword arguments to provide to the TargetText object :returns: A TargetText object with spans and targets values :raises ValueError: If sequence labels, tokenized text and confidecnes are not of the same length :raises ValueError: If the following keys are in the additional data; 1. confidence, 2. text, 3. text_id, 4. tokenized_text 5. sequence_labels, 6. targets, 7. spans. As these keys will be populated by within the TargetText object automatically. ''' if len(sequence_labels) != len(tokenized_text): raise ValueError('Sequence labels and tokenized texts are not of ' f'the same length:\nSequence labels {sequence_labels}' f'\nTokenized text: {tokenized_text}') if confidence is not None and len(sequence_labels) != len(confidences): raise ValueError('Sequence labels and confidences are not of ' f'the same length:\nSequence labels {sequence_labels}' f'\nconfidences: {confidences}') not_allowed_additional_keys = {'confidence', 'text', 'text_id', 'tokenized_text', 'sequence_labels', 'targets', 'spans'} for key in additional_data: if key in not_allowed_additional_keys: raise ValueError("The following keys are not allowd in the " f"additional data:\n{not_allowed_additional_keys}") temp_target_text = TargetText(text_id=text_id, text=text, tokenized_text=tokenized_text, sequence_labels=sequence_labels, confidence=confidences) target_spans = temp_target_text.get_sequence_spans('sequence_labels', confidence=confidence) targets = TargetText.targets_from_spans(text, target_spans) return TargetText(text_id=text_id, text=text, confidence=confidences, tokenized_text=tokenized_text, targets=targets, spans=target_spans, sequence_labels=sequence_labels, **additional_data)
[docs]class TargetTextCollection(MutableMapping): ''' This is a data structure that inherits from MutableMapping which is essentially a python dictionary, however the underlying storage is a OrderedDict therefore if you iterate over it, the iteration will always be in the same order. This structure only contains TargetText instances. Attributes: 1. name -- Name associated to the TargetTextCollection. 2. metadata -- Any metadata to associate to the object e.g. domain of the dataset, all metadata is stored in a dictionary. By default the metadata will always have the `name` attribute within the metadata under the key `name`. If `anonymised` is also True then this will also be in the metadata under the key `anonymised` 3. anonymised -- If True then the data within the TargetText objects have no text but the rest of the metadata should exist. Methods: 1. to_json -- Writes each TargetText instances as a dictionary using it's own to_json function on a new line within the returned String. The returned String is not json comptable but if split by new line it is and is also comptable with the from_json method of TargetText. 2. to_conll -- A CONLL formatted string where the format will be the following: `TOKEN#GOLD LABEL#PREDICTION 1# PREDICTION 2` Where each token and relevant labels are on separate new lines. The first line will always contain the following: `# {text_id: `value`}` where the text_id represents the `text_id` of this TargetText, this will allow the CONLL string to be uniquely identified back this TargetText object. Also each TargetText CONLL string will be seperated by a new line. 3. to_conll_file -- Saves the TargetTextCollection to CONLL format. Useful for Sequence Labelling tasks. 4. load_conll -- Loads the CONLL information into the collection. 5. add -- Wrapper around __setitem__. Given as an argument a TargetText instance it will be added to the collection. 6. to_json_file -- Saves the current TargetTextCollection to a json file which won't be strictly json but each line in the file will be and each line in the file can be loaded in from String via TargetText.from_json. Also the file can be reloaded into a TargetTextCollection using TargetTextCollection.load_json. 7. tokenize -- This applies the TargetText.tokenize method across all of the TargetText instances within the collection. 8. pos_text -- This applies the TargetText.pos_text method across all of the TargetText instances within the collection. 9. sequence_labels -- This applies the TargetText.sequence_labels method across all of the TargetText instances within the collection. 10. force_targets -- This applies the TargetText.force_targets method across all of the TargetText instances within the collection. 11. exact_match_score -- Recall, Precision, and F1 score in a Tuple. All of these measures are based on exact span matching rather than the matching of the sequence label tags, this is due to the annotation spans not always matching tokenization therefore this removes the tokenization error that can come from the sequence label measures. 12. samples_with_targets -- Returns all of the samples that have target spans as a TargetTextCollection. 13. target_count -- A dictionary of target text as key and values as the number of times the target text occurs in this TargetTextCollection 14. one_sample_per_span -- This applies the TargetText.one_sample_per_span method across all of the TargetText instances within the collection to create a new collection with those new TargetText instances within it. 15. number_targets -- Returns the total number of targets. 16. number_categories -- Returns the total number of categories. 17. category_count -- Returns a dictionary of categories as keys and values as the number of times the category occurs. 18. target_sentiments -- A dictionary where the keys are target texts and the values are a List of sentiment values that have been associated to that target. 19. dict_iter -- Returns an interator of all of the TargetText objects within the collection as dictionaries. 20. unique_distinct_sentiments -- A set of the distinct sentiments within the collection. The length of the set represents the number of distinct sentiments within the collection. 21. de_anonymise -- This will set the `anonymised` attribute to False from True and set the `text` key value to the value in the `text` key within the `text_dict` argument for each of the TargetTexts in the collection. If any Error is raised this collection will revert back fully to being anonymised. 22. sanitize -- This applies the TargetText.sanitize function to all of the TargetText instances within this collection, affectively ensures that all of the instances follow the specified rules that TargetText instances should follow. 23. in_order -- This returns True if all TargetText objects within the collection contains a list of targets that are in order of appearance within the text from left to right e.g. if the only TargetText in the collection contains two targets where the first target in the `targets` list is the first (left most) target in the text then this method would return True. 24. re_order -- This will apply :py:meth:`target_extraction.data_types.TargetText.re_order` to each TargetText within the collection. 25. add_unique_key -- Applies the following :py:meth:`target_extraction.data_types.TargetText.add_unique_key` to each TargetText within this collection 26. key_difference -- Given this collection and another it will return all of the keys that the other collection contains which this does not. 27. combine_data_on_id -- Given this collection and another it will add all of the data from the other collection into this collection based on the unique key given. 28. one_sentiment_text -- Adds the `text_sentiment_key` to each TargetText within the collection where the value will represent the sentiment value for the text based on the `sentiment_key` values and `average_sentiment` determining how to handle multiple sentiments. This will allow text level classifiers to be trained on target/aspect/category data. Static Functions: 1. from_json -- Returns a TargetTextCollection object given the json like String from to_json. For example the json string can be the return of TargetTextCollection.to_json. 2. load_json -- Returns a TargetTextCollection based on each new line in the given json file. 3. combine -- Returns a TargetTextCollection that is the combination of all of those given. 4. same_data -- Given a List of TargetTextCollections it will return a list of tuples specifying the overlap between the collections based on the samples `text_id` and `text` key values. If it returns an empty list then there are no overlap between the collections. This is useful to find duplicates beyond the `text_id` as it checks the `text` value as well. ''' def __init__(self, target_texts: Optional[List['TargetText']] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, anonymised: bool = False) -> None: ''' :param target_texts: A list of TargetText instances to add to the collection. :param name: Name to call the collection, this is added to the metadata automatically and overrides the name key value in the metadata if exists. :param metadata: Any data that you would like to associate to this TargetTextCollection. :param anonymised: Wether or not the TargetText objects should be loaded in and anonymised, as well as stating whether or not the whole collection should be anonymised when loading in new TargetText objects. ''' self._storage = OrderedDict() self._anonymised = anonymised if target_texts is not None: for target_text in target_texts: target_text.sanitize() self.add(target_text) self.metadata = None if metadata is not None: self.metadata = metadata if anonymised: self.metadata = {} if metadata is None else metadata self.metadata['anonymised'] = anonymised if name is not None: = name self.metadata = {} if metadata is None else metadata self.metadata['name'] = name else: = '' @property def name(self) -> str: ''' :returns: The name attribute. ''' return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name_string: str) -> None: ''' Sets the value of the name attribute, and also updates the `name` key value in the `metadata` attribute. :param name_string: New name to give to the name attribute. ''' self._name = name_string self.metadata = {} if self.metadata is None else self.metadata self.metadata['name'] = self._name @property def anonymised(self) -> bool: ''' :returns: True if the data within the TargetTextCollection has been anonymised. Anonymised data means that there is no text associated with any of the TargetText objects within the collection, but all of the metadata is there. ''' return self._anonymised @anonymised.setter def anonymised(self, value: bool) -> None: ''' Sets whether or not `anonymised` attribute is True or False. This in effect performs the :py:meth:`target_extraction.data_types.TargetText.anonymised` on each TargetText object within the collection if True. When you want to set this to False you need to perform :py:meth:`target_extraction.data_types.TargetTextCollection.de_anonymise`. :param value: True for anonymised, else False. If True this will enforce that all the TargetText objects do not have a `text` key/value and the attribute `anonymised` is True. :raises AnonymisedError: If the TargetText object within the collection cannot be set to the `anonymised` value given. If this Error occurs then the object will have kept the original `anonymised` value. ''' for target_text in self.values(): target_text.anonymised = value self.metadata = {} if self.metadata is None else self.metadata self.metadata['anonymised'] = value self._anonymised = value
[docs] def add(self, value: 'TargetText') -> None: ''' Wrapper around set item. Instead of having to add the value the usual way of finding the instances 'text_id' and setting this containers key to this value, it does this for you. e.g. performs self[value['text_id']] = value :param value: The TargetText instance to store in the collection. Will anonymise the TargetText object if the collection's anonymised attribute is True. ''' value.anonymised = self.anonymised self[value['text_id']] = value
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: ''' Required as TargetTextCollection is not json serlizable due to the 'spans' in the TargetText instances. :returns: The object as a list of dictionaries where each the TargetText instances are dictionaries. It will also JSON serialize any meta data as well. ''' json_text = '' for index, target_text_instance in enumerate(self.values()): if index != 0: json_text += '\n' target_text_instance: TargetText json_text += target_text_instance.to_json() if self.metadata is not None: if json_text != '': json_text += '\n' json_text += json.dumps({'metadata': self.metadata}) return json_text
[docs] def to_conll(self, gold_label_key: str, prediction_key: Optional[str] = None) -> str: ''' This in affect performs the `to_conll` function for each TargetText within the collection and seperates each on the CONLL strings with a new line. :param gold_label: A key that contains a sequence of labels e.g. [`B`, `I`, `O`]. This can come from the return of the :py:meth:`sequence_labels` :param prediction_key: Key to the predicted labels of the `gold_label`. Where the prediction key values is a list of a list of predicted labels. Each list is therefore a different model run hence creating the `PREDICTION 1`, 'PREDICTION 2' etc. Thus the values of `prediction_key` must be of shape (number runs, number tokens) :returns: A CONLL formatted string where the format will be the following: `TOKEN#GOLD LABEL#PREDICTION 1# PREDICTION 2` Where each token and relevant labels are on separate new lines. The first line will always contain the following: `# {text_id: `value`}` where the text_id represents the `text_id` of this TargetText, this will allow the CONLL string to be uniquely identified back this TargetText object. Also each TargetText CONLL string will be seperated by a new line. ''' conll_string = '' for target_text in self.values(): target_conll = target_text.to_conll(gold_label_key=gold_label_key, prediction_key=prediction_key) conll_string += f'{target_conll}\n\n' return conll_string
[docs] def to_conll_file(self, conll_fp: Path, gold_label_key: str, prediction_key: Optional[str] = None) -> None: ''' Writes the ouput of `to_conll` to the `conll_fp` file. :param conll_fp: Write the CONLL string to this file path. :param gold_label: A key that contains a sequence of labels e.g. [`B`, `I`, `O`]. This can come from the return of the :py:meth:`sequence_labels` :param prediction_key: Key to the predicted labels of the `gold_label`. Where the prediction key values is a list of a list of predicted labels. Each list is therefore a different model run hence creating the `PREDICTION 1`, 'PREDICTION 2' etc. Thus the values of `prediction_key` must be of shape (number runs, number tokens) ''' conll_string = self.to_conll(gold_label_key=gold_label_key, prediction_key=prediction_key) with'w+') as conll_file: conll_file.write(conll_string)
[docs] def load_conll(self, conll_fp: Path, tokens_key: str = 'tokenized_text', gold_label_key: Optional[str] = None, prediction_key: Optional[str] = None) -> None: ''' This takes the `conll_fp` and loads the CONLL data into the relevant TargetText samples in this collection using the TargetText `from_conll` function. The matching of TargetText with CONLL data is through the CONLL string containing `# {text_id: _id}` for each CONLL sentence/text. :param tokens_key: Key to save the CONLL tokens too, for the TargetText. :param gold_label_key: Key to save the gold labels too. Either `gold_label_key` or `prediction_key` must not be `None` or both not `None`, for the TargetText. :param prediction_key: Key to save the prediction labels too. The value will be of shape (number runs, number tokens), for the TargetText. ''' def _line_divider(line: str) -> bool: return line.strip() == '' with'r') as conll_file: # Group into alternative divider / sentence chunks. for is_divider, lines in itertools.groupby(conll_file, _line_divider): if is_divider: continue lines = list(lines) _id_line = lines[0] _id_line = _id_line.lstrip('#').strip() text_id = json.loads(_id_line)['text_id'] # Find relevant TargetText lines = [line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip()!=''] conll_line = '\n'.join(lines[1:]) self[text_id].from_conll(conll_line, tokens_key=tokens_key, gold_label_key=gold_label_key, prediction_key=prediction_key)
@staticmethod def _get_metadata(json_iterable: Iterable[str]) -> Tuple[Union[Dict[str, Any], None], Union[str, None], bool]: ''' :param json_iterable: An interable that generates a JSON string, of which the last string contains the metadata if it exists. :returns: The metadata for the collection being loaded, as a Tuple of length 3 where the 3 items are: 1. The metadata, 2. The name of the collection, and 3. Whether it has been anonymised. The first 2 by default are None and the 3 is False by default. ''' metadata = None name = None anonymised = False for line in deque(json_iterable, 1): if line.strip(): json_line = json.loads(line) if 'metadata' in json_line: metadata = json_line['metadata'] if 'name' in metadata: name = metadata['name'] if 'anonymised' in metadata: anonymised = metadata['anonymised'] return metadata, name, anonymised
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(json_text: str, **target_text_collection_kwargs ) -> 'TargetTextCollection': ''' Required as the json text is expected to be the return from the self.to_json method. This string is not passable by a standard json decoder. :param json_text: This is expected to be a dictionary like object for each new line in this text :param target_text_collection_kwargs: Key word arguments to give to the TargetTextCollection constructor. :returns: A TargetTextCollection based on each new line in the given text to be passable by TargetText.from_json method. :raises AnonymisedError: If the `TargetText` object that it is loading is anonymised but the `target_text_collection_kwargs` argument contains `anonymised` False, as you cannot de-anonymised without performing the :py:meth:`target_extraction.data_types.TargetTextCollection.de_anonymised`. ''' if json_text.strip() == '': return TargetTextCollection(**target_text_collection_kwargs) target_text_instances = [] metadata, name, anonymised = TargetTextCollection._get_metadata(json_text.split('\n')) for line in json_text.split('\n'): json_line = json.loads(line) if not 'metadata' in json_line: target_text_instance = TargetText.from_json(line, anonymised=anonymised) target_text_instances.append(target_text_instance) # Key word arguments over riding meta data if 'name' in target_text_collection_kwargs: name = target_text_collection_kwargs['name'] if 'metadata' in target_text_collection_kwargs: metadata = target_text_collection_kwargs['metadata'] if 'anonymised' in target_text_collection_kwargs: anonymised = target_text_collection_kwargs['anonymised'] return TargetTextCollection(target_text_instances, name=name, metadata=metadata, anonymised=anonymised)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_json(json_fp: Path, **target_text_collection_kwargs ) -> 'TargetTextCollection': ''' Allows loading a dataset from json. Where the json file is expected to be output from TargetTextCollection.to_json_file as the file will be a json String on each line generated from TargetText.to_json. This will also load any meta data that was stored within the TargetTextCollection. :param json_fp: File that contains json strings generated from TargetTextCollection.to_json_file :param target_text_collection_kwargs: Key word arguments to give to the TargetTextCollection constructor. If there was any meta data stored within the loaded json then these key word arguments would over ride the meta data stored. :returns: A TargetTextCollection based on each new line in the given json file, and the optional meta data on the last line. ''' target_text_instances = [] with'r') as json_file: metadata, name, anonymised = TargetTextCollection._get_metadata(json_file) with'r') as json_file: for line in json_file: if line.strip(): json_line = json.loads(line) if 'metadata' not in json_line: target_text_instance = TargetText.from_json(line, anonymised) target_text_instances.append(target_text_instance) # Key word arguments over riding meta data if 'name' in target_text_collection_kwargs: name = target_text_collection_kwargs['name'] if 'metadata' in target_text_collection_kwargs: metadata = target_text_collection_kwargs['metadata'] if 'anonymised' in target_text_collection_kwargs: anonymised = target_text_collection_kwargs['anonymised'] return TargetTextCollection(target_text_instances, name=name, metadata=metadata, anonymised=anonymised)
[docs] def to_json_file(self, json_fp: Path, include_metadata: bool = False) -> None: ''' Saves the current TargetTextCollection to a json file which won't be strictly json but each line in the file will be and each line in the file can be loaded in from String via TargetText.from_json. Also the file can be reloaded into a TargetTextCollection using TargetTextCollection.load_json. :param json_fp: File path to the json file to save the current data to. :param include_metadata: Whether or not to include the metadata when writing to file. ''' with'w+') as json_file: for index, target_text_instance in enumerate(self.values()): target_text_instance: TargetText target_text_string = target_text_instance.to_json() if index != 0: target_text_string = f'\n{target_text_string}' json_file.write(target_text_string) if self.metadata is not None and include_metadata: metadata_to_write = {'metadata': self.metadata} json_file.write(f'\n{json.dumps(metadata_to_write)}')
[docs] def tokenize(self, tokenizer: Callable[[str], List[str]]) -> None: ''' This applies the TargetText.tokenize method across all of the TargetText instances within the collection. For a set of tokenizers that are definetly comptable see target_extraction.tokenizers module. Ensures that the tokenization is character preserving. :param tokenizer: The tokenizer to use tokenize the text for each TargetText instance in the current collection :raises TypeError: If the tokenizer given does not return a List of Strings. :raises ValueError: This is raised if any of the TargetText instances in the collection contain an empty string. :raises ValueError: If the tokenization is not character preserving. ''' for index, target_text_instance in enumerate(self.values()): if index == 0: target_text_instance.tokenize(tokenizer, True) else: target_text_instance.tokenize(tokenizer, False)
[docs] def pos_text(self, tagger: Callable[[str], List[str]]) -> None: ''' This applies the TargetText.pos_text method across all of the TargetText instances within the collection. For a set of pos taggers that are definetly comptable see target_extraction.pos_taggers module. :param tagger: POS tagger. :raises TypeError: If the POS tagger given does not return a List of Strings. :raises ValueError: This is raised if any of the TargetText instances in the collection contain an empty string. :raises ValueError: If the Target Text instance has not been tokenized. :raises ValueError: If the number of pos tags for a Target Text instance does not have the same number of tokens that has been generated by the tokenizer function. ''' for index, target_text_instance in enumerate(self.values()): if index == 0: target_text_instance.pos_text(tagger, True) else: target_text_instance.pos_text(tagger, False)
[docs] def force_targets(self) -> None: ''' This applies the TargetText.force_targets method across all of the TargetText instances within the collection. ''' for target_text_instance in self.values(): target_text_instance.force_targets()
[docs] def sequence_labels(self, return_errors: bool = False, **target_sequence_label_kwargs ) -> List['TargetText']: ''' This applies the TargetText.sequence_labels method across all of the TargetText instances within the collection. :param return_errors: Returns TargetText objects that have caused the ValueError to be raised. :param target_sequence_label_kwargs: Any Keyword arguments to give to the TargetText `sequence_labels` function. :returns: A list of TargetText objects that have caused the ValueError to be raised if `return_errors` is True else an empty list will be returned. :raises KeyError: If the current TargetText has not been tokenized. :raises ValueError: If two targets overlap the same token(s) e.g `Laptop cover was great` if `Laptop` and `Laptop cover` are two seperate targets this should riase a ValueError as a token should only be associated to one target. ''' errored_targets = [] for target_text_instance in self.values(): if return_errors: try: target_text_instance.sequence_labels(**target_sequence_label_kwargs) except ValueError: errored_targets.append(target_text_instance) else: target_text_instance.sequence_labels(**target_sequence_label_kwargs) return errored_targets
[docs] def exact_match_score(self, predicted_sequence_key: str = 'predicted_sequence_labels' ) -> Tuple[float, float, float, Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, Span]]]]: ''' Just for clarification we use the sequence label tags to find the predicted spans. However even if you have a perfect sequence label score does not mean you will have a perfect extact span score as the tokenizer used for the sequence labelling might not align perfectly with the annotated spans. The False Positive mistakes, False Negative mistakes, and correct True Positive Dictionary keys are those names with the values neing a List of Tuples where the Tuple is made up of the TargetText instance ID and the Span that was incorrect (FP) or not tagged (FN) or correct (TP). Example of this is as follows: {`FP`: [('1', Span(0, 4))], 'FN': [], 'TP': []} :param predicted_sequence_key: Key of the predicted sequence labels within this TargetText instance. :returns: Recall, Precision, and F1 score, False Positive mistakes, False Negative mistakes, and correct True Positives in a Dict. All of these measures are based on exact span matching rather than the matching of the sequence label tags, this is due to the annotation spans not always matching tokenization therefore this removes the tokenization error that can come from the sequence label measures. :raises KeyError: If there are no predicted sequence label key within this TargetText. :raises ValueError: If the predicted or true spans contain multiple spans that have the same span e.g. [Span(4, 15), Span(4, 15)] ''' # tp = True Positive count tp = 0.0 num_pred_true = 0.0 num_actually_true = 0.0 fp_mistakes: List[Tuple[str, Span]] = [] fn_mistakes: List[Tuple[str, Span]] = [] correct_tp: List[Tuple[str, Span]] = [] for target_text_index, target_text_instance in enumerate(self.values()): if target_text_index == 0: keys_to_check = ['spans', f'{predicted_sequence_key}'] for key in keys_to_check: target_text_instance._key_error(key) predicted_spans = target_text_instance.get_sequence_spans(predicted_sequence_key) # Add to the number of predicted true and actually true predicted_spans: List[Span] num_pred_true += len(predicted_spans) true_spans: List[Span] = target_text_instance['spans'] if true_spans is None: true_spans = [] num_actually_true += len(true_spans) # This should be impossible to get to if len(predicted_spans) != len(set(predicted_spans)): raise ValueError(f'Predicted spans {predicted_spans} contain' f' multiple of the same predicted span. ' f'TargetText: {target_text_instance}') # This is possible if len(true_spans) != len(set(true_spans)): raise ValueError(f'True spans {true_spans} contain' f' multiple of the same true span. ' f'TargetText: {target_text_instance}') text_id = target_text_instance['text_id'] true_spans = set(true_spans) for predicted_span in predicted_spans: if predicted_span in true_spans: tp += 1 correct_tp.append((text_id, predicted_span)) else: fp_mistakes.append((text_id, predicted_span)) for true_span in true_spans: if true_span not in predicted_spans: fn_mistakes.append((text_id, true_span)) error_analysis_dict = {'FP': fp_mistakes, 'FN': fn_mistakes, 'TP': correct_tp} if tp == 0.0: return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, error_analysis_dict recall = tp / num_actually_true precision = tp / num_pred_true f1 = (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall) return recall, precision, f1, error_analysis_dict
[docs] def samples_with_targets(self) -> 'TargetTextCollection': ''' :returns: All of the samples that have targets as a TargetTextCollection for this TargetTextCollection. :raises KeyError: If either `spans` or `targets` does not exist in one or more of the TargetText instances within this collection. These key's are protected keys thus they should always exist but this is just a warning if you have got around the protected keys. ''' sub_collection = TargetTextCollection() sub_collection.anonymised = self.anonymised for target_text in self.values(): if target_text['spans'] and target_text['targets']: sub_collection.add(target_text) return sub_collection
[docs] def target_count(self, lower: bool = False, target_key: str = 'targets') -> Dict[str, int]: ''' :Note: The target can not exist e.g. be a `None` target as the target can be combined with the category like in the SemEval 2016 Restaurant dataset. In these case we do not include these in the target_count. :param lower: Whether or not to lower the target text. :param target_key: The key in each TargetText sample that contains the list of target words. :returns: A dictionary of target text as key and values as the number of times the target text occurs in this TargetTextCollection ''' target_count: Dict[str, int] = Counter() for target_dict in self.values(): if target_dict[target_key]: for target in target_dict[target_key]: if target is None: continue if lower: target = target.lower() target_count.update([target]) return dict(target_count)
[docs] def target_sentiments(self, lower: bool = False, unique_sentiment: bool = False ) -> Dict[str, Union[List[str], Set[str]]]: ''' :Note: The target can not exist e.g. be a `None` target as the target can be combined with the category like in the SemEval 2016 Restaurant dataset. In these case we do not include these in the target_count. :param lower: Whether or not to lower the target text. :param unique_sentiment: Whether or not the return is a dictionary whose values are a List of Strings or if True a Set of Strings. :returns: A dictionary where the keys are target texts and the values are a List of sentiment values that have been associated to that target. The sentiment value can occur more than once indicating the number of times that target has been associated with that sentiment unless unique_sentiment is True then instead of a List of sentiment values a Set is used instead. :Explanation: If the target `camera` has occured with the sentiment `positive` twice and `negative` once then it will return {`camera`: [`positive`, `positive`, `negative`]}. However if `unique_sentiment` is True then it will return: {`camera`: {`positive`, `negative`}}. ''' target_sentiment_values: Dict[str, List[str]] = defaultdict(list) if unique_sentiment: target_sentiment_values: Dict[str, Set[str]] = defaultdict(set) for target_dict in self.values(): if target_dict['targets'] and target_dict['target_sentiments']: for target, sentiment in zip(target_dict['targets'], target_dict['target_sentiments']): if target is None: continue if lower: target = target.lower() if unique_sentiment: target_sentiment_values[target].add(sentiment) else: target_sentiment_values[target].append(sentiment) return dict(target_sentiment_values)
[docs] def number_targets(self, incl_none_targets: bool = False) -> int: ''' :param incl_none_targets: Whether to include targets that are `None` and are therefore associated to the categories in the count. :returns: The total number of targets in the collection. ''' target_count = 0 for target_dict in self.values(): if target_dict['targets']: for target in target_dict['targets']: if not incl_none_targets and target is None: continue target_count += 1 return target_count
[docs] def number_categories(self) -> int: ''' :returns: The total number of categories in the collection :raises ValueError: If one of the category values in the list is of value None ''' return sum(self.category_count().values())
[docs] def category_count(self) -> Dict[str, int]: ''' :returns: A dictionary of categories as keys and values as the number of times the category occurs in this TargetTextCollection :raises ValueError: If any category has the value of None. ''' categories_count = Counter() for target_dict in self.values(): if target_dict['categories']: for category in target_dict['categories']: if category is None: raise ValueError('One of the category value is None, ' f'within {target_dict}') categories_count.update([category]) return dict(categories_count)
[docs] def one_sample_per_span(self, remove_empty: bool = False ) -> 'TargetTextCollection': ''' This applies the TargetText.one_sample_per_span method across all of the TargetText instances within the collection to create a new collection with those new TargetText instances within it. :param remove_empty: If the TargetText instance contains any None targets then these will be removed along with their respective Spans. :returns: A new TargetTextCollection that has samples that come from this collection but has had the TargetText.one_sample_per_span method applied to it. ''' new_collection = TargetTextCollection() for target_text in self.values(): new_collection.add(target_text.one_sample_per_span(remove_empty=remove_empty)) return new_collection
[docs] def dict_iterator(self) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]: ''' :returns: An interator of all of the TargetText objects within the collection as dictionaries. ''' for target_text in self.values(): target_text: TargetText yield dict(target_text)
[docs] def unique_distinct_sentiments(self, sentiment_key: str = 'target_sentiments' ) -> Set[int]: ''' :param sentiment_key: The key that represents the sentiment value for each TargetText object :returns: A set of the distinct sentiments within the collection. The length of the set represents the number of distinct sentiments within the collection. :raises TypeError: If the value in the sentiment_key is not of type list ''' unique_ds = set() for target_object in self.values(): sentiment_value = target_object[sentiment_key] if not isinstance(sentiment_value, list): raise TypeError(f'The sentiment key {sentiment_key} contains a' f' value that is not of type List: ' f'{sentiment_value}. TargetText object: ' f'{target_object}') unique_ds.add(len(set(sentiment_value))) # Need to remove 0's which come about because an empty list is of # length 0 if 0 in unique_ds: unique_ds.remove(0) return unique_ds
[docs] def de_anonymise(self, text_dicts: Iterable[Dict[str, str]]) -> None: ''' This will set the `anonymised` attribute to False from True and set the `text` key value to the value in the `text` key within the `text_dict` argument for each of the TargetTexts in the collection. If any Error is raised this collection will revert back fully to being anonymised. :param text_dicts: An iterable of dictionaries that contain the following two keys: 1. `text` and 2. `text_id` where the `text_id` has to be a key within the current collection. The `text` associated to that id will become that TargetText object's text value. :raises ValueError: If the length of the `text_dicts` does not match that of the collection. :raises KeyError: If any of the `text_id`s in the `text_dicts` do not match those within this collection. ''' try: self_len = len(self) text_dict_len = {} for text_dict in text_dicts: text_dict_id = text_dict['text_id'] text_dict_len[text_dict_id] = 1 if text_dict_id not in self: raise KeyError(f"The key {text_dict_id} from `text_dicts`" f" is not in this collection.") self[text_dict_id].de_anonymise(text_dict) text_dict_len = len(text_dict_len) if self_len != text_dict_len: raise ValueError(f'The length of collection {self_len} is not ' 'equal to the length of the `text_dicts` ' f'{text_dict_len}.') except Exception as e: # Cleans up after the exception as we have to preserve the case # that it is still anonymised for target_text in self.values(): if not target_text.anonymised: target_text.anonymised = True raise e self.anonymised = False
[docs] def sanitize(self) -> None: ''' This applies the TargetText.sanitize function to all of the TargetText instances within this collection, affectively ensures that all of the instances follow the specified rules that TargetText instances should follow. ''' for target_text in self.values(): target_text.sanitize()
[docs] def in_order(self) -> bool: ''' This returns True if all TargetText objects within the collection contains a list of targets that are in order of appearance within the text from left to right e.g. if the only TargetText in the collection contains two targets where the first target in the `targets` list is the first (left most) target in the text then this method would return True. :returns: True if all the `targets` within all the TargetText objects in this collection are in sequential left to right order within the text. ''' for target_text in self.values(): if not target_text.in_order(): return False return True
[docs] def re_order(self, keys_not_to_order: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: ''' This will apply :py:meth:`target_extraction.data_types.TargetText.re_order` to each TargetText within the collection. :param keys_not_to_order: Any keys within the TargetTexts that do not need re-ordering ''' # This takes into account the rollback problem where an error occurs # halfway through performing the function and half the collection has # been re-ordered where as the other half has not. This will bring it # back into a stable state. self_copy = copy.deepcopy(self._storage) try: for target_text in self.values(): target_text.re_order(keys_not_to_order) except Exception as e: self._storage = self_copy raise e
[docs] def add_unique_key(self, id_key: str, id_key_name: str, id_delimiter: str = '::') -> None: ''' Applies the following :py:meth:`target_extraction.data_types.TargetText.add_unique_key` to each TargetText within this collection :param id_key: The name of the key within this TargetText that requires unique ids that will be stored in `id_key_name`. :param id_key_name: The name of the key to associate to these new unique ids. :param id_delimiter: The delimiter to seperate the `text_id` and the index of the `id_key` that is being represented by this unique id. ''' for value in self.values(): value.add_unique_key(id_key, id_key_name, id_delimiter=id_delimiter)
[docs] def key_difference(self, other_collection: 'TargetTextCollection' ) -> List[str]: ''' :param other_collection: The collection that is being compared to this. :returns: A list of keys that represent all of the keys that are in the other (compared) collection and not in this collection. ''' this_keys = {key for value in self.values() for key in value.keys()} other_keys = {key for value in other_collection.values() for key in value.keys()} return list(other_keys.difference(this_keys))
[docs] def combine_data_on_id(self, other_collection: 'TargetTextCollection', id_key: str, data_keys: List[str], raise_on_overwrite: bool = True, check_same_ids: bool = True) -> None: ''' :param other_collection: The collection that contains the data that is to be copied to this collection. :param id_key: The key that indicates in each TargetText within this and the `other_collection` how the values are to be copied from the `other_collection` to this collection. :param data_keys: The keys of the values in each TargetText within the `other_collection` that is be copied to the relevant TargetTexts within this collection. It assumes that if any of key/values are a list of lists that the inner lists relate to the targets and the outer list is not related to the targets. :param raise_on_overwrite: If True will raise the :py:class:`target_extraction.data_types_util.OverwriteError` if any of the `data_keys` exist in any of the TargetTexts within this collection. :param check_same_ids: If True will ensure that this collection and the other collection are of same length and check if each have the same unique ids :raises AssertionError: If the number of IDs from the `id_key` does not match the number of data to be added to a data key :raises ValueError: If `check_same_ids` is True and the two collections are either of not the same length or have different unique ids according to `id_key` within the TargetText objects. :raises OverwriteError: If `raise_on_overwrite` is True and the any of the `data_keys` exist in any of the TargetTexts within this collection. ''' def sort_data_by_key(key: str, self_target_text: TargetText, other_target_text: TargetText, data_to_sort: List[Any]) -> List[Any]: ''' :param key: A key that appear in both `self_target_text` and `other_target_text`, where the key for both represents values that appear in both and are unique. :param self_target_text: A TargetText object where the values in `key` will determine the sorting performed to `data_to_sort`. :param other_target_text: The TargetText that represents the `data_to_sort` and is in this TargetText's sort order based on values in `key` :param data_to_sort: Data that has come from `other_target_text` that is to be sorted based on `key` values from `self_target_text` :returns: The `data_to_sort` ordered by the values in `self_target_text` key `key` :raises AssertionError: If the number of IDs from the `key` does not match the number of data_to_sort ''' self_data_values = [] num_ids = len(other_target_text[key]) num_data = len(data_to_sort) assert_err = (f'The ID key {key} contains {num_ids}, however the ' 'number of values/data to be added from the other ' f'TargetText is {num_data} which is {data_to_sort} ' f'OtherTargetText {other_target_text}\n' f'SelfTargetText {self_target_text}') assert num_ids == num_data, assert_err for self_id_value in self_target_text[key]: index_other_id_value = other_target_text[key].index(self_id_value) self_data_values.append(data_to_sort[index_other_id_value]) return self_data_values if check_same_ids: len_self = len(self) len_other = len(other_collection) if len_self != len_other: raise ValueError('The two collections are not the same length. ' f'This length {len_self} other {len_other}') self_ids = {_id for value in self.values() for _id in value[id_key]} other_ids = {_id for value in other_collection.values() for _id in value[id_key]} self_differences = self_ids.difference(other_ids) other_differences = other_ids.difference(self_ids) all_differences = self_differences.union(other_differences) if len(all_differences): raise ValueError(f'The two collections do not contain the same' f' ids. The difference between this and the ' f'other are the following ids {self_differences}' f'\nThe difference between the other and this ' f'is the following {other_differences}') # If an error occurs would be good to have a roll back poilcy that # will return this collection back to it's original self self_copy = copy.deepcopy(self._storage) try: for text_id, self_target_text in self.items(): other_target_text = other_collection[text_id] # Cannot assume that the unique ids will be in the same order. for data_key in data_keys: if data_key in self_target_text and raise_on_overwrite: raise OverwriteError(f'The following data key {data_key}' ' exists in the following TargetText' f' {self_target_text} within this collection. ' 'The other TargetText that contains ' 'this data key to copy the data from ' f'is {other_target_text}') self_data_values = [] other_data_values = other_target_text[data_key] # If the other_data_values is a list of a list, need to # take into account the sorting of the targets should only # be applied to the inner list. is_inner_list = False if isinstance(other_data_values, list): if other_data_values: if isinstance(other_data_values[0], list): is_inner_list = True if is_inner_list: for other_inner_list_data in other_data_values: self_inner_list_data = sort_data_by_key(id_key, self_target_text, other_target_text, other_inner_list_data) self_data_values.append(self_inner_list_data) else: self_data_values = sort_data_by_key(id_key, self_target_text, other_target_text, other_data_values) self_target_text[data_key] = self_data_values except Exception as e: self._storage = self_copy raise e
[docs] def one_sentiment_text(self, sentiment_key: str, average_sentiment: bool = False, text_sentiment_key: str = 'text_sentiment' ) -> None: ''' Adds the `text_sentiment_key` to each TargetText within the collection where the value will represent the sentiment value for the text based on the `sentiment_key` values and `average_sentiment` determining how to handle multiple sentiments. This will allow text level classifiers to be trained on target/aspect/category data. :param sentiment_key: The key in the TargetTexts that represent the sentiment for the TargetTexts sentence. :param average_sentiment: If False it will only add the `text_sentiment_key` to TargetTexts that have one unique sentiment in the `sentiment_key` e.g. can have more than one sentiment value in the `sentiment_key` but each one of those values has to be the same value. If True it will choose the most frequent sentiment , ties are decided by random choice. If the there are no values in `sentiment_key` then `text_sentiment_key` will not be added to the TargetText. :param text_sentiment_key: The key to add the text level sentiment value to. ''' for target_text in self.values(): target_text: TargetText target_text._key_error(sentiment_key) sentiments = target_text[sentiment_key] if average_sentiment: if len(sentiments) == 1: target_text[text_sentiment_key] = sentiments[0] elif len(sentiments) == 0: continue else: sentiment_counts = Counter(sentiments) sorted_counts = sorted(sentiment_counts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) highest_count = sorted_counts[0][1] highest_sentiment_values = [] for sentiment_value, count in sorted_counts: if count == highest_count: highest_sentiment_values.append(sentiment_value) assert highest_sentiment_values random_sentiment_value = random.choice(highest_sentiment_values) target_text[text_sentiment_key] = random_sentiment_value else: if len(sentiments) == 1: target_text[text_sentiment_key] = sentiments[0] elif len(sentiments) > 1 and len(set(sentiments)) == 1: target_text[text_sentiment_key] = sentiments[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def combine(*collections) -> 'TargetTextCollection': ''' :param collections: An iterator containing one or more TargetTextCollections :returns: A TargetTextCollection that is the combination of all of those given. :NOTE: If any of the collections are anonymised then the returned collection will also be anonymised, even if only one of the collections has been anonymised. ''' target_objects: 'TargetText' = [] is_anonymised = False for collection in collections: if collection.anonymised: is_anonymised = True for target in collection.values(): target_objects.append(target) return TargetTextCollection(target_objects, anonymised=is_anonymised)
[docs] @staticmethod def same_data(collections: List['TargetTextCollection'] ) -> List[Tuple[List[Tuple['TargetText', 'TargetText']], Tuple[str, str]]]: ''' :param collections: A list of TargetTextCollections to test if there are any duplicates based on `text_id` and `text` key values. :returns: If the list is empty then there are no duplicates. Else a list of tuples containing 1. A list of tuples of duplicate TargetText instances 2. A tuple of collection names that the TargetText have come stating the names of the collections that have the duplicates. ''' all_matches = [] for collection_index, collection in enumerate(collections): for other_collection in collections[collection_index + 1:]: same_targets = [] for target_text in collection.values(): for other_target_text in other_collection.values(): if target_text['text_id'] == other_target_text['text_id']: same_targets.append((target_text, other_target_text)) elif target_text['text'] == other_target_text['text']: same_targets.append((target_text, other_target_text)) if same_targets: all_matches.append((same_targets, (, return all_matches
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: 'TargetText') -> None: ''' Will add the TargetText instance to the collection where the key should be the same as the TargetText instance 'text_id'. :param key: Key to be added or changed :param value: TargetText instance associated to this key. Where the key should be the same value as the TargetText instance 'text_id' value. Furthermore if the TargetTextCollection's `anonymised` attribute is True then the TargetText object being added will also be anonymised. ''' if not isinstance(value, TargetText): raise TypeError('The value should be of type TargetText and not ' f'{type(value)}') text_id = value['text_id'] if text_id != key: raise ValueError(f'The value `text_id`: {text_id} should be the ' f'same value as the key: {key}') # We copy it to stop any mutable objects from changing outside of the # collection value_copy = copy.deepcopy(value) value_copy.anonymised = self.anonymised self._storage[key] = value_copy def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: ''' Given a key that matches a key within self._storage or self.keys() it will delete that key and value from this object. :param key: Key and its respective value to delete from this object. ''' del self._storage[key] def __eq__(self, other: 'TargetTextCollection') -> bool: ''' Two TargetTextCollection instances are equal if they both have the same TargetText instances within it. :param other: Another TargetTextCollection object that is being compared to this TargetTextCollection object. :returns: True if they have the same TargetText instances within it. ''' if not isinstance(other, TargetTextCollection): return False if len(self) != len(other): return False for key in self.keys(): if key not in other: return False return True def __repr__(self) -> str: ''' :returns: String returned is what user see when the instance is printed or printed within a interpreter. ''' rep_text = 'TargetTextCollection(' for key, value in self.items(): rep_text += f'key: {key}, value: {value}' break if len(self) > 1: rep_text += '...)' else: rep_text += ')' return rep_text def __len__(self) -> int: ''' :returns: The number of TargetText instances in the collection. ''' return len(self._storage) def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[str]: ''' Returns as interator over the TargetText instances 'text_id''s that are stored in this collection. This is an ordered iterator as the underlying dictionary used to store the TargetText instances is an OrderedDict in self._storage. :returns: TargetText instances 'text_id''s that are stored in this collection ''' return iter(self._storage) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> 'TargetText': ''' :returns: A TargetText instance that is stored within this collection. ''' return self._storage[key]