Source code for target_extraction.allen.token_indexers.custom_elmo_indexer

from typing import Dict, List

from overrides import overrides
import torch

from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError
from allennlp.common.util import pad_sequence_to_length
from import Token
from import TokenIndexer, IndexedTokenList
from import Vocabulary

def _make_bos_eos(
    character: int,
    padding_character: int,
    beginning_of_word_character: int,
    end_of_word_character: int,
    max_word_length: int,
    char_ids = [padding_character] * max_word_length
    char_ids[0] = beginning_of_word_character
    char_ids[1] = character
    char_ids[2] = end_of_word_character
    return char_ids

[docs]class ELMoCharacterMapper: """ Maps individual tokens to sequences of character ids, compatible with ELMo. To be consistent with previously trained models, we include it here as special of existing character indexers. We allow to add optional additional special tokens with designated character ids with `tokens_to_add`. """ max_word_length = 50 # char ids 0-255 come from utf-8 encoding bytes # assign 256-300 to special chars beginning_of_sentence_character = 256 # <begin sentence> end_of_sentence_character = 257 # <end sentence> beginning_of_word_character = 258 # <begin word> end_of_word_character = 259 # <end word> padding_character = 260 # <padding> beginning_of_sentence_characters = _make_bos_eos( beginning_of_sentence_character, padding_character, beginning_of_word_character, end_of_word_character, max_word_length, ) end_of_sentence_characters = _make_bos_eos( end_of_sentence_character, padding_character, beginning_of_word_character, end_of_word_character, max_word_length, ) bos_token = "<S>" eos_token = "</S>" def __init__(self, tokens_to_add: Dict[str, int] = None) -> None: self.tokens_to_add = tokens_to_add or {}
[docs] def convert_word_to_char_ids(self, word: str) -> List[int]: if word in self.tokens_to_add: char_ids = [ELMoCharacterMapper.padding_character] * ELMoCharacterMapper.max_word_length char_ids[0] = ELMoCharacterMapper.beginning_of_word_character char_ids[1] = self.tokens_to_add[word] char_ids[2] = ELMoCharacterMapper.end_of_word_character elif word == ELMoCharacterMapper.bos_token: char_ids = ELMoCharacterMapper.beginning_of_sentence_characters elif word == ELMoCharacterMapper.eos_token: char_ids = ELMoCharacterMapper.end_of_sentence_characters else: word_encoded = word.encode("utf-8", "ignore")[ : (ELMoCharacterMapper.max_word_length - 2) ] char_ids = [ELMoCharacterMapper.padding_character] * ELMoCharacterMapper.max_word_length char_ids[0] = ELMoCharacterMapper.beginning_of_word_character for k, chr_id in enumerate(word_encoded, start=1): char_ids[k] = chr_id char_ids[len(word_encoded) + 1] = ELMoCharacterMapper.end_of_word_character # +1 one for masking return [c + 1 for c in char_ids]
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(self, other.__class__): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented
[docs]@TokenIndexer.register("custom_elmo_characters") class CustomELMoTokenCharactersIndexer(TokenIndexer): """ Convert a token to an array of character ids to compute ELMo representations. # Parameters namespace : `str`, optional (default=`elmo_characters`) tokens_to_add : `Dict[str, int]`, optional (default=`None`) If not None, then provides a mapping of special tokens to character ids. When using pre-trained models, then the character id must be less then 261, and we recommend using un-used ids (e.g. 1-32). token_min_padding_length : `int`, optional (default=`0`) See :class:`TokenIndexer`. """ def __init__( self, namespace: str = "elmo_characters", tokens_to_add: Dict[str, int] = None, token_min_padding_length: int = 0, ) -> None: super().__init__(token_min_padding_length) self._namespace = namespace self._mapper = ELMoCharacterMapper(tokens_to_add)
[docs] @overrides def count_vocab_items(self, token: Token, counter: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]): pass
[docs] @overrides def tokens_to_indices( self, tokens: List[Token], vocabulary: Vocabulary ) -> Dict[str, List[List[int]]]: # TODO(brendanr): Retain the token to index mappings in the vocabulary and remove this # texts = [token.text for token in tokens] if any(text is None for text in texts): raise ConfigurationError( "ELMoTokenCharactersIndexer needs a tokenizer that retains text" ) return {"tokens": [self._mapper.convert_word_to_char_ids(text) for text in texts]}
[docs] @overrides def get_empty_token_list(self) -> IndexedTokenList: return {"tokens": []}
[docs] @overrides def as_padded_tensor_dict( self, tokens: IndexedTokenList, padding_lengths: Dict[str, int] ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: # Overriding this method only because we need a different padding token than the default. tensor_dict = {} def padding_token(): return [0] * ELMoCharacterMapper.max_word_length tensor_dict["tokens"] = torch.LongTensor( pad_sequence_to_length( tokens["tokens"], padding_lengths["tokens"], default_value=padding_token ) ) return tensor_dict