Source code for target_extraction.allen.models.target_sentiment.split_contexts

from typing import Dict, Optional, List

from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError, check_dimensions_match
from import Vocabulary, TextFieldTensors
from allennlp.modules import FeedForward, Seq2VecEncoder, TextFieldEmbedder
from allennlp.modules import InputVariationalDropout, TimeDistributed
from allennlp.models.model import Model
from allennlp.nn import InitializerApplicator, RegularizerApplicator
from allennlp.nn import util
from import CategoricalAccuracy, F1Measure
import numpy
import torch
from torch.nn.modules import Dropout, Linear
from overrides import overrides

from target_extraction.allen.models import target_sentiment
from target_extraction.allen.models.target_sentiment.util import elmo_input_reshape, elmo_input_reverse
from target_extraction.allen.modules.inter_target import InterTarget

[docs]@Model.register("split_contexts_classifier") class SplitContextsClassifier(Model): def __init__(self, vocab: Vocabulary, context_field_embedder: TextFieldEmbedder, left_text_encoder: Seq2VecEncoder, right_text_encoder: Seq2VecEncoder, feedforward: Optional[FeedForward] = None, target_field_embedder: Optional[TextFieldEmbedder] = None, target_encoder: Optional[Seq2VecEncoder] = None, inter_target_encoding: Optional[InterTarget] = None, initializer: InitializerApplicator = InitializerApplicator(), regularizer: Optional[RegularizerApplicator] = None, dropout: float = 0.0, label_name: str = 'target-sentiment-labels', loss_weights: Optional[List[float]] = None) -> None: super().__init__(vocab, regularizer) ''' :param vocab: A Vocabulary, required in order to compute sizes for input/output projections. :param context_field_embedder: Used to embed the text and target text if target_field_embedder is None but the target_encoder is NOT None. :param left_text_encoder: Encoder that will create the representation of the tokens left of the target and the target itself if included from the dataset reader. :param right_text_encoder: Encoder that will create the representation of the tokens right of the target and the target itself if included from the dataset reader. :param feedforward: An optional feed forward layer to apply after the encoder. :param target_field_embedder: Used to embed the target text to give as input to the target_encoder. Thus this allows a seperate embedding for text and target text. :param target_encoder: Encoder that will create the representation of target text tokens. :param inter_target_encoding: Whether to model the relationship between targets/aspect. :param initializer: Used to initialize the model parameters. :param regularizer: If provided, will be used to calculate the regularization penalty during training. :param dropout: To apply dropout after each layer apart from the last layer. All dropout that is applied to timebased data will be `variational dropout`_ all else will be standard dropout. :param label_name: Name of the label name space. :param loss_weights: The amount of weight to give the negative, neutral, positive classes respectively. e.g. [0.2, 0.5, 0.3] would weight the negative class by a factor of 0.2, neutral by 0.5 and positive by 0.3. NOTE It assumes the sentiment labels are the following: [negative, neutral, positive]. Without the target encoder this will be the standard TDLSTM method from `Effective LSTM's for Target-Dependent Sentiment classification`_ . With the target encoder this will then become the TCLSTM method from `Effective LSTM's for Target-Dependent Sentiment classification`_. .. _variational dropout: .. _Effective LSTM's for Target-Dependent Sentiment classification: ''' self.label_name = label_name self.context_field_embedder = context_field_embedder self.target_field_embedder = target_field_embedder self.num_classes = self.vocab.get_vocab_size(self.label_name) self.left_text_encoder = left_text_encoder self.right_text_encoder = right_text_encoder self.target_encoder = target_encoder self.feedforward = feedforward # Set the loss weights (have to sort them by order of label index in # the vocab) self.loss_weights = target_sentiment.util.loss_weight_order(self, loss_weights, self.label_name) # Inter target modelling self.inter_target_encoding = inter_target_encoding left_out_dim = self.left_text_encoder.get_output_dim() right_out_dim = self.right_text_encoder.get_output_dim() left_right_out_dim = left_out_dim + right_out_dim if feedforward is not None: output_dim = self.feedforward.get_output_dim() elif self.inter_target_encoding is not None: output_dim = self.inter_target_encoding.get_output_dim() else: output_dim = left_right_out_dim self.label_projection = Linear(output_dim, self.num_classes) self.metrics = { "accuracy": CategoricalAccuracy() } self.f1_metrics = {} # F1 Scores label_index_name = self.vocab.get_index_to_token_vocabulary(self.label_name) for label_index, _label_name in label_index_name.items(): _label_name = f'F1_{_label_name.capitalize()}' self.f1_metrics[_label_name] = F1Measure(label_index) # Dropout self._variational_dropout = InputVariationalDropout(dropout) self._naive_dropout = Dropout(dropout) # Ensure that the input to the right_text_encoder and left_text_encoder # is the size of the target encoder output plus the size of the text # embedding output. if self.target_encoder is not None: right_in_dim = self.right_text_encoder.get_input_dim() left_in_dim = self.left_text_encoder.get_input_dim() target_dim = self.target_encoder.get_output_dim() text_dim = self.context_field_embedder.get_output_dim() total_out_dim = target_dim + text_dim config_err_msg = ("As the target is being encoded the output of the" " target encoder is concatenated onto each word " " vector for the left and right contexts " "therefore the input of the right_text_encoder" "/left_text_encoder is the output dimension of " "the target encoder + the dimension of the word " "embeddings for the left and right contexts.") if (total_out_dim != right_in_dim or total_out_dim != left_in_dim): raise ConfigurationError(config_err_msg) # Ensure that the target field embedder has an output dimension the # same as the input dimension to the target encoder. if self.target_encoder and self.target_field_embedder: target_embed_out = self.target_field_embedder.get_output_dim() target_in = self.target_encoder.get_input_dim() check_dimensions_match(target_in, target_embed_out, 'target_field_embedder output', 'target_encoder input') if self.inter_target_encoding: check_dimensions_match(left_right_out_dim, self.inter_target_encoding.get_input_dim(), 'Output from the left and right encoders', 'Inter Target encoder input dim') # TimeDistributed everything as we are processing multiple Targets at # once as the input is a sentence containing one or more targets self.left_text_encoder = TimeDistributed(self.left_text_encoder) self.right_text_encoder = TimeDistributed(self.right_text_encoder) if self.target_encoder is not None: self.target_encoder = TimeDistributed(self.target_encoder) if self.feedforward is not None: self.feedforward = TimeDistributed(self.feedforward) self.label_projection = TimeDistributed(self.label_projection) self._time_variational_dropout = TimeDistributed(self._variational_dropout) self._naive_dropout = TimeDistributed(self._naive_dropout) initializer(self)
[docs] def forward(self, left_contexts:TextFieldTensors, right_contexts: TextFieldTensors, targets: TextFieldTensors, target_sentiments: torch.LongTensor = None, metadata: torch.LongTensor = None, **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: ''' The text and targets are Dictionaries as they are text fields they can be represented many different ways e.g. just words or words and chars etc therefore the dictionary represents these different ways e.g. {'words': words_tensor_ids, 'chars': char_tensor_ids} ''' # This is required if the input is of shape greater than 3 dim e.g. # character input where it is # (batch size, number targets, token length, char length) targets_mask = util.get_text_field_mask(targets, num_wrapping_dims=1) targets_mask = (targets_mask.sum(dim=-1) >= 1).type(torch.int64) batch_size, number_targets = targets_mask.shape batch_size_num_targets = batch_size * number_targets temp_left_contexts = elmo_input_reshape(left_contexts, batch_size, number_targets, batch_size_num_targets) left_embedded_text = self.context_field_embedder(temp_left_contexts) left_embedded_text = elmo_input_reverse(left_embedded_text, left_contexts, batch_size, number_targets, batch_size_num_targets) left_embedded_text = self._time_variational_dropout(left_embedded_text) left_text_mask = util.get_text_field_mask(left_contexts, num_wrapping_dims=1) temp_right_contexts = elmo_input_reshape(right_contexts, batch_size, number_targets, batch_size_num_targets) right_embedded_text = self.context_field_embedder(temp_right_contexts) right_embedded_text = elmo_input_reverse(right_embedded_text, right_contexts, batch_size, number_targets, batch_size_num_targets) right_embedded_text = self._time_variational_dropout(right_embedded_text) right_text_mask = util.get_text_field_mask(right_contexts, num_wrapping_dims=1) if self.target_encoder: temp_target = elmo_input_reshape(targets, batch_size, number_targets, batch_size_num_targets) if self.target_field_embedder: embedded_target = self.target_field_embedder(temp_target) else: embedded_target = self.context_field_embedder(temp_target) embedded_target = elmo_input_reverse(embedded_target, targets, batch_size, number_targets, batch_size_num_targets) embedded_target = self._time_variational_dropout(embedded_target) target_text_mask = util.get_text_field_mask(targets, num_wrapping_dims=1) target_encoded_text = self.target_encoder(embedded_target, target_text_mask) target_encoded_text = self._naive_dropout(target_encoded_text) # Encoded target to be of dimension (batch, Number of Targets, words, dim) # currently (batch, Number of Targets, dim) target_encoded_text = target_encoded_text.unsqueeze(2) # Need to repeat the target word for each word in the left # and right word. left_num_padded = left_embedded_text.shape[2] right_num_padded = right_embedded_text.shape[2] left_targets = target_encoded_text.repeat((1, 1, left_num_padded, 1)) right_targets = target_encoded_text.repeat((1, 1, right_num_padded, 1)) # Add the target to each word in the left and right contexts left_embedded_text =, left_targets), -1) right_embedded_text =, right_targets), -1) left_encoded_text = self.left_text_encoder(left_embedded_text, left_text_mask) left_encoded_text = self._naive_dropout(left_encoded_text) right_encoded_text = self.right_text_encoder(right_embedded_text, right_text_mask) right_encoded_text = self._naive_dropout(right_encoded_text) encoded_left_right =[left_encoded_text, right_encoded_text], dim=-1) if self.inter_target_encoding is not None: encoded_left_right = self.inter_target_encoding(encoded_left_right, targets_mask) encoded_left_right = self._variational_dropout(encoded_left_right) if self.feedforward: encoded_left_right = self.feedforward(encoded_left_right) logits = self.label_projection(encoded_left_right) masked_class_probabilities = util.masked_softmax(logits, targets_mask.unsqueeze(-1)) output_dict = {"class_probabilities": masked_class_probabilities, "targets_mask": targets_mask} # Convert it to bool tensor. targets_mask = targets_mask == 1 if target_sentiments is not None: # gets the loss per target instance due to the average=`token` if self.loss_weights is not None: loss = util.sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, target_sentiments, targets_mask, average='token', alpha=self.loss_weights) else: loss = util.sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, target_sentiments, targets_mask, average='token') for metrics in [self.metrics, self.f1_metrics]: for metric in metrics.values(): metric(logits, target_sentiments, targets_mask) output_dict["loss"] = loss if metadata is not None: words = [] texts = [] targets = [] target_words = [] for sample in metadata: words.append(sample['text words']) texts.append(sample['text']) targets.append(sample['targets']) target_words.append(sample['target words']) output_dict["words"] = words output_dict["text"] = texts output_dict["targets"] = targets output_dict["target words"] = target_words return output_dict
[docs] @overrides def make_output_human_readable(self, output_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: ''' Adds the predicted label to the output dict, also removes any class probabilities that do not have a target associated which is caused through the batch prediction process and can be removed by using the target mask. ''' batch_target_predictions = output_dict['class_probabilities'].cpu().data.numpy() target_masks = output_dict['targets_mask'].cpu().data.numpy() # Should have the same batch size and max target nubers batch_size = batch_target_predictions.shape[0] max_number_targets = batch_target_predictions.shape[1] assert target_masks.shape[0] == batch_size assert target_masks.shape[1] == max_number_targets sentiments = [] non_masked_class_probabilities = [] for batch_index in range(batch_size): target_sentiments = [] target_non_masked_class_probabilities = [] target_predictions = batch_target_predictions[batch_index] target_mask = target_masks[batch_index] for index, target_prediction in enumerate(target_predictions): if target_mask[index] != 1: continue label_index = numpy.argmax(target_prediction) label = self.vocab.get_token_from_index(label_index, namespace=self.label_name) target_sentiments.append(label) target_non_masked_class_probabilities.append(target_prediction) sentiments.append(target_sentiments) non_masked_class_probabilities.append(target_non_masked_class_probabilities) output_dict['sentiments'] = sentiments output_dict['class_probabilities'] = non_masked_class_probabilities return output_dict
[docs] def get_metrics(self, reset: bool = False) -> Dict[str, float]: # Other scores metric_name_value = {} for metric_name, metric in self.metrics.items(): metric_name_value[metric_name] = metric.get_metric(reset) # F1 scores all_f1_scores = [] for metric_name, metric in self.f1_metrics.items(): precision, recall, f1_measure = metric.get_metric(reset) all_f1_scores.append(f1_measure) metric_name_value[metric_name] = f1_measure metric_name_value['Macro_F1'] = sum(all_f1_scores) / len(self.f1_metrics) return metric_name_value