Source code for target_extraction.allen.allennlp_model

import collections
from typing import Optional, List, Any, Iterable, Dict, Union, Tuple
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
import random

from allennlp.common.params import Params
from allennlp.commands.train import train_model_from_file
from import DatasetReader
from allennlp.models import Model
from allennlp.models.archival import load_archive
from allennlp.predictors import Predictor

import target_extraction
from target_extraction.data_types import TargetTextCollection

[docs]class AllenNLPModel(): ''' This is a wrapper for the AllenNLP dataset readers, models, and predictors so that the input to functions can be :class:`target_extraction.data_types.TargetTextCollection` objects and the return a metric or metrics as well as predicitons within the :class:`target_extraction.data_types.TargetTextCollection` objects. This is instead of running everything through multiple bash files calling ``allennlp train`` etc. ''' def __init__(self, name: str, model_param_fp: Path, predictor_name: str, save_dir: Optional[Path] = None) -> None: ''' :param name: Name of the model e.g. ELMO-Target-Extraction :param model_params_fp: File path to the model parameters that will define the AllenNLP model and how to train it. :param predictor_name: Name of the predictor to be used with the AllenNLP model e.g. for a target_tagger model the predictor should prbably be `target-tagger` :param save_dir: Directory to save the model to. This has to be set up front as the fit function saves the model each epoch. ''' = name self.model = None self.save_dir = save_dir self._param_fp = model_param_fp.resolve() self._predictor_name = predictor_name
[docs] def fit(self, train_data: TargetTextCollection, val_data: TargetTextCollection, test_data: Optional[TargetTextCollection] = None) -> None: ''' Given the training, validation, and optionally the test data it will train the model that is defined in the model params file provided as argument to the constructor of the class. Once trained the model can be accessed through the `model` attribute. NOTE: If the test data is given the model only uses it to fit to the vocabularly that is within the test data, the model NEVER trains on the test data. :param train_data: Training data. :param val_data: Validation data. :param test_data: Optional, test data. ''' model_params = self._preprocess_and_load_param_file(self._param_fp) # Ensures that a different random seed is used each time self._set_random_seeds(model_params) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: train_fp = Path(temp_dir, 'train_data.json') val_fp = Path(temp_dir, 'val_data.json') # Write the training and validation data to json Optionally test as # well train_data.to_json_file(train_fp) val_data.to_json_file(val_fp) if test_data: test_fp = Path(temp_dir, 'test_data.json') test_data.to_json_file(test_fp) self._add_dataset_paths(model_params, train_fp, val_fp, test_fp) model_params["evaluate_on_test"] = True else: self._add_dataset_paths(model_params, train_fp, val_fp) save_dir = self.save_dir if save_dir is None: save_dir = Path(temp_dir, 'temp_save_dir') temp_param_fp = Path(temp_dir, 'temp_param_file.json') model_params.to_file(temp_param_fp.resolve()) trained_model = train_model_from_file(temp_param_fp, save_dir) self.model = trained_model
def _predict_iter(self, data: Union[Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], List[Dict[str, Any]]], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, yield_original_target: bool = False ) -> Iterable[Union[Dict[str, Any], Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]] ]]: ''' Iterates over the predictions and yields one prediction at a time. This is a useful wrapper as it performs the data pre-processing and assertion checks. The predictions are predicted in batchs so that the model does not load in lots of data at once and thus have memory issues. :param data: Iterable or list of dictionaries that the predictor can take as input e.g. `target-tagger` predictor expects at most a `text` key and value. :param batch_size: Specify the batch size to predict on. If left None defaults to 64 unless it is specified in the `model_param_fp` within the constructor then the batch size from the param file is used. :param yield_original_target: If True it will then yield the dictionary that has been predicted on. :yields: A dictionary containing all the values the model outputs e.g. For the `target_tagger` model it would return `logits`, `class_probabilities`, `mask`, `tags`, `words`, and `text`. If `yield_original_target` is True it will then yield a Tuple of 2 dictionaries the first being what has already been stated and the second being the dictionary that is being predicted on. :raises AssertionError: If the `model` attribute is None. This can be overcome by either fitting or loading a model. :raises TypeError: If the data given is not of Type List or Iterable. ''' no_model_error = 'There is no model to make predictions, either fit '\ 'or load a model to resolve this.' assert self.model, no_model_error self.model.eval() all_model_params = Params.from_file(self._param_fp) reader_params = all_model_params.get("dataset_reader") dataset_reader = DatasetReader.from_params(reader_params) predictor = Predictor.by_name(self._predictor_name)(self.model, dataset_reader) # Argument batch size first then model param file and then default 64 if batch_size is None: if 'iterator' in all_model_params: iter_params = all_model_params.get("iterator") if 'batch_size' in iter_params: batch_size = iter_params['batch_size'] batch_size = batch_size or 64 # Data has to be an iterator if isinstance(data, list) or isinstance(data, collections.Iterable): data = iter(data) else: raise TypeError(f'Data given has to be of type {collections.Iterable}' f' and not {type(data)}') data_exists = True while data_exists: data_batch = [] for _ in range(batch_size): try: data_batch.append(next(data)) except StopIteration: data_exists = False if data_batch: predictions = predictor.predict_batch_json(data_batch) for prediction_index, prediction in enumerate(predictions): if yield_original_target: yield (prediction, data_batch[prediction_index]) else: yield prediction
[docs] def predict_into_collection(self, collection: TargetTextCollection, key_mapping: Dict[str, str], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, append_if_exists: bool = True ) -> TargetTextCollection: ''' :param collection: The TargetTextCollection that is to be predicted on and to be the store of the predicted data. :param key_mapping: Dictionary mapping the prediction keys that contain the prediction values to the keys that will store those prediction values within the collection that has been predicted on. :param batch_size: Specify the batch size to predict on. If left None defaults to 64 unless it is specified in the `model_param_fp` within the constructor then the batch size from the param file is used. :param append_if_exists: If False and a TargetText within the collection already has a prediction within the given key based on the `key_mapping` then KeyError is raised. :returns: The collection that was predict on with the new predictions within the collection stored in keys that are the values of the `key_mapping` argument. Note that all predictions are sotred within Lists within their respective keys in the collection. :raises KeyError: If the keys from `key_mapping` is not within the prediction dictionary. :raises KeyError: If `append_if_exists` is False and the a TargetText within the collection already has a prediction within the given key based on the `key_mapping` then this is raised. ''' for prediction, original_target in self._predict_iter(collection.dict_iterator(), batch_size=batch_size, yield_original_target=True): text_id = original_target['text_id'] # This happens first as we want an error to be raised before any # data is added to the TargetTextCollection. for prediction_key, collection_key in key_mapping.items(): if prediction_key not in prediction: raise KeyError(f'The key {prediction_key} from `key_mapping`' f' {key_mapping} is not within the prediction' f' {prediction} for the follwoing TargeText' f' {original_target}') for prediction_key, collection_key in key_mapping.items(): if collection_key not in collection[text_id]: collection[text_id][collection_key] = [] elif not append_if_exists: raise KeyError(f'The key {collection_key} from `key_mapping`' f' {key_mapping} already exists within the' f' follwoing TargeText {original_target}') collection[text_id][collection_key].append(prediction[prediction_key]) return collection
[docs] def predict_sequences(self, data: Union[Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], List[Dict[str, Any]]], batch_size: Optional[int] = None ) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]: ''' Given the data it will predict the sequence labels and return the confidence socres in those labels as well as the words and text the prediction was predicting on. :param data: Iterable or list of dictionaries that contains at least `text` key and value and if you do not want the predictor to do the tokenization then provide `tokens` as well. Some model may also expect `pos_tags` which the predictor will provide if the `text` key is only provided. :param batch_size: Specify the batch size to predict on. If left None defaults to 64 unless it is specified in the `model_param_fp` within the constructor then the batch size from the param file is used. :yields: A dictionary containing all the following keys and values: 1. `sequence_labels`: A list of predicted sequence labels. This will be a List of Strings. 2. `confidence`: The confidence the model had in predicting each sequence label, this comes from the softmax score. This will be a List of floats. 3. `tokens`: The tokens that the confidence and sequence labels are associated to 4. `text`: The text that the tokens/words relate to. ''' self.model: Model label_to_index = self.model.vocab.get_token_to_index_vocabulary('labels') for prediction in self._predict_iter(data, batch_size): output_dict = {} # Length of the text sequence_length = sum(prediction['mask']) # Sequence labels sequence_labels = prediction['tags'][:sequence_length] output_dict['sequence_labels'] = sequence_labels # Confidence scores # First get the index of predicted lables confidence_indexs = [label_to_index[label] for label in sequence_labels] confidence_scores = prediction['class_probabilities'][:sequence_length] label_confidence_scores = [] for scores, index in zip(confidence_scores, confidence_indexs): label_confidence_scores.append(scores[index]) output_dict['confidence'] = label_confidence_scores output_dict['tokens'] = prediction['words'] output_dict['text'] = prediction['text'] yield output_dict
[docs] def load(self, cuda_device: int = -1) -> Model: ''' Loads the model. This does not require you to train the model if the `save_dir` attribute is pointing to a folder containing a trained model. This is just a wrapper around the `load_archive` function. :param cuda_device: Whether the loaded model should be loaded on to the CPU (-1) or the GPU (0). Default CPU. :returns: The model that was saved at `self.save_dir` :raises AssertionError: If the `save_dir` argument is None :raises FileNotFoundError: If the save directory does not exist. ''' save_dir_err = 'Save directory was not set in the constructor of the class' assert self.save_dir, save_dir_err if self.save_dir.exists(): archive = load_archive(self.save_dir / "model.tar.gz", cuda_device=cuda_device) self.model = archive.model return self.model raise FileNotFoundError('There is nothing at the save dir:\n' f'{self.save_dir.resolve()}')
@staticmethod def _preprocess_and_load_param_file(model_param_fp: Path) -> Params: ''' Given a model parameter file it will load it as a Params object and remove all data fields for the Param object so that these keys can be added with different values associated to them. fields (keys) that are removed: 1. train_data_path 2. validation_data_path 3. test_data_path 4. evaluate_on_test :param model_param_fp: File path to the model parameters that will define the AllenNLP model and how to train it. :returns: The model parameter file as a Params object with the data fields removed if they exisited. ''' model_param_fp = str(model_param_fp) fields_to_remove = ['train_data_path', 'validation_data_path', 'test_data_path', 'evaluate_on_test'] model_params = Params.from_file(model_param_fp) for field in fields_to_remove: if field in model_params: model_params.pop(field) return model_params @staticmethod def _add_dataset_paths(model_params: Params, train_fp: Path, val_fp: Path, test_fp: Optional[Path] = None) -> None: ''' Give model parameters it will add the given train, validation and optional test dataset paths to the model parameters. Does not return anything as the model parameters object is mutable :param model_params: model parameters to add the dataset paths to :param train_fp: Path to the training dataset :param val_fp: Path to the validation dataset :param test_fp: Optional path to the test dataset ''' model_params['train_data_path'] = str(train_fp.resolve()) model_params['validation_data_path'] = str(val_fp.resolve()) if test_fp: model_params['test_data_path'] = str(test_fp.resolve()) @staticmethod def _set_random_seeds(model_params: Params) -> None: ''' This ensures to some extent that the experiments are NOT reproducible so that we can take into account the random seed problem. Returns nothing as the model_params will be modified as they are a mutable object. :param model_params: The parameters of the model ''' seed, numpy_seed, torch_seed = [random.randint(1,99999) for i in range(3)] model_params["random_seed"] = seed model_params["numpy_seed"] = numpy_seed model_params["pytorch_seed"] = torch_seed def __repr__(self) -> str: ''' :returns: the name of the model e.g. TDLSTM or IAN ''' return