Source code for bella.write_data

A list of functions that convert TargetCollections into a specified file format.

1. semeval_14: Converts the TargetCollection into XML file format that was used \
in `SemEval 2014 task 4 <>`_
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

[docs]def semeval_14(file_path, target_collection): ''' :param file_path: Location of the file to save the XML data to :param target_collection: The target collection data to convert into the \ XML file. :type file_path: String :type target_collection: TargetCollection :returns: Nothing. Saves the data to the file path given. :rtype: None ''' sentiment_mapper = {1 : 'positive', 0 : 'neutral', -1 : 'negative'} sentence_targets = target_collection.group_by_sentence() tree = ET.Element('sentences') for sentence_id, targets in sentence_targets.items(): # Removes part of the sentence id we add from our parsing if sentence_id.startswith('samsung_galaxy_s5'): sentence_id = sentence_id[len('samsung_galaxy_s5'):] sentence_element = ET.SubElement(tree, 'sentence', attrib={'id' : sentence_id}) text_element = ET.SubElement(sentence_element, 'text') text_element.text = targets[0]['text'] aspects_element = ET.SubElement(sentence_element, 'aspectTerms') for target in targets: spans = target['spans'] if len(spans) > 1: raise ValueError('There should only be one set of spans not'\ '{}. List of spans: {}'\ .format(len(spans), spans)) span_from, span_to = spans[0] attributes = {'term' : target['target'], 'polarity' : sentiment_mapper[target['sentiment']], 'from' : str(span_from), 'to' : str(span_to)} aspect_element = ET.SubElement(aspects_element, 'aspectTerm', attrib=attributes) with open(file_path, 'w') as xml_file: tree = ET.ElementTree(tree) tree.write(xml_file, encoding='unicode', xml_declaration=True)