Source code for bella.helper

Functions that are used throughout the package:

1. :py:func:`bella.helper.read_config` -- Given a file location to a Yaml file
   that stores only keys and relative or full path locations as values. Returns
   those paths as a fully resolved String given the key.
2. :py:func:`download_file` -- Given a file path and the URL address of the
   data, downloads the data from the URL to the file path location.
3. :py:func:`download_model` -- Downloads the specified model trained on the
   dataset from the model zoo and returns it as a trained model to use.
from pathlib import Path

import requests
from ruamel.yaml import YAML

import bella

BELLA_MODEL_DIR = Path.home().joinpath('.Bella', 'Models')

[docs]def read_config(key: str, config_file_path: Path) -> str: ''' Given a file location to a Yaml file that stores only keys and relative or full path locations as values. Returns those paths as a fully resolved String given the key. :param key: The key to the Path within the config file. :param config_file_path: File path to the YAML configuration file. :return: Full path as a String to the relative file location that is stored in the key of the config file. ''' config_parent = config_file_path.parent with'r') as config_file: yaml = YAML() config_data = yaml.load(config_file) if key in config_data: file_path = config_data[key] key_file_path = config_parent.joinpath(file_path) return str(key_file_path.resolve()) else: raise ValueError(f'This key {key} does not exist in the ' f'config file {config_file_path}')
[docs]def download_file(file_path: Path, url: str) -> None: ''' Given a file path and the URL address of the data, downloads the data from the URL to the file path location. :param file_path: Path to save the downloaded data to. :param url: URL location of the data to be downloaded. :return: Nothing ''' with'wb') as a_file: request = requests.get(url, stream=True) for chunk in request.iter_content(chunk_size=128): a_file.write(chunk)
[docs]def download_model(model: 'bella.models.base.BaseModel', dataset_name: str) -> 'bella.models.base.BaseModel': ''' Downloads the specified model trained on the dataset from the model zoo and returns it as a trained model to use. The model zoo `URL <>`_ The model zoo came from the following `paper <https://aclanthology.coli.un\>`_ and results for those models on the relevant dataset are within the Mass Evaluation section of the paper :param model: Class of model you want to download :param dataset_name: Name of the dataset that the model has been trained on. :return: An instance of the model class you gave as an argument trained on the dataset specified. ''' BELLA_MODEL_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) base_url = '' model_name = model_file_name = f'{model_name} {dataset_name}' model_path = BELLA_MODEL_DIR.joinpath(model_file_name) if 'LSTM' in model_name: meta_data_path = model_path.with_suffix('.pkl') model_data_path = model_path.with_suffix('.h5') data_paths = [meta_data_path, model_data_path] for data_path in data_paths: if not data_path.is_file(): data_url = base_url + data_url = data_url.replace(' ', '%20') download_file(data_path, data_url) else: if not model_path.is_file(): model_url = base_url + model_file_name model_url = model_url.replace(' ', '%20') download_file(model_path, model_url) return model.load(model_path)